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Marina/I-880 Traffic Impact Fee 3 May 3, 2010 <br />The analysis concluded that residents, patrons, and employees at new development built on <br />properties that are distant from the interchange will use the facility less frequently than people <br />traveling to new development built on property that is in close proximity to the Interchange. A <br />zone of benefit has been established that extends roughly from East 14~' Street to the San <br />Francisco Bay and from Manor Boulevard to San Leandro Creek. TJKM found that 34.03% of <br />the peak. hour vehicle trips over the Interchange in 2030 will be generated by people traveling to <br />new development within the zone of benefit. Most of these new trips were attributable to the <br />proposed development at 1701 Marina Boulevard (Kaiser), for which a Preliminary <br />Environmental Impact Report has been prepared and mitigation measures proposed. The <br />remaining new development trips, 8.84% of the vehicle trips over the Interchange in 2030, will <br />be generated by miscellaneous new development within the zone of benefit. Thus, the proposed <br />supplemental impact fee should be used to collect 8.84% of the project cost, or $2,540,271.24 in <br />today's dollars. The actual amount collected will be indexed to inflation so that the value of fees <br />collected remains constant. <br />Within the zone of benefit the frequency of use is averaged so that the impact fee rate per new <br />peak hour trip is uniform. TJKM concluded that within the zone of benefit, 20.80% of new peak <br />hour vehicle trips will use the Interchange. The fee for each newly created peak hour trip is <br />20.80% of the cost of a peak hour trip over the Interchange ($1,940.13) which is $403.56. <br />The City currently collects a Developer Fee for Street Improvements for 13 individual land use <br />types ranging from residential to retail. Traffic generation rates have been established for each <br />land use type by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The cost per trip of $403.56 <br />will be multiplied by the number of trips generated to arrive at an impact fee for each land use <br />type. The proposed fees for each category of land use are shown in the Traffic Fee Report, <br />which is attached. <br />Adoption of impact fees is regulated by Assembly Bill AB 1600, which specifies that the City <br />must: (1) identify the purpose of the fee, and that the fee is needed to mitigate traffic impacts at <br />the Interchange; (2) identify the use to which the fee is to be put, the fee will be used to fund <br />design and construction of improvements to increase the capacity of the Interchange; (3) <br />determine how there is a reasonable relationship between the fee's use and the type of <br />development project on which the fee is imposed, it is appropriate to levy this fee on new <br />development because people will use cars to travel to the new development; (4) determine how <br />there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the public facility and the type of <br />development project on which the fee is imposed, the existing public roadway is used at or near <br />capacity, the additional vehicles traveling to new development will trigger a need for the <br />improvements; and (5) determine how there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of <br />the fee and the cost of the public facility attributable to the development on which the fee is <br />imposed, the fee has been set by allocating a share of the cost to each new and existing vehicle <br />trips over the Interchange. The attached Marina Boulevard/Interstate 880 Interchange Traffic <br />Fee Report addresses the five findings necessary to establish a fee in more detail. <br />