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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 12 PUBLIC WORKS <br />Chapter 5 Uniform Wastewater Discharge Regulations <br />(b) Classification B. All general commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments <br />from which only sewage is discharged. <br />(c) Classification C. All non-residential establishments whose wastewater discharge <br />contains all or partly non-sewage water, and who are identified in the Standard Industrial <br />Classification Manual (SIC) Manual, 1987, U.S. Office of Management and Budget as <br />amended and supplemented. <br />&12.5.110: USER CHARGES. Every user shall pay the following monthly sewer use <br />charge, but in no case shall the total charge be less than the effective rate for amultiple-family <br />dwelling unit. <br />(a) For Classification A Users. The user charge shall be as listed in San Leandro <br />Administrative Code §6.4.100. The charge shall be based upon a flat rate determined by <br />the methods described in these Uniform Wastewater Discharge Regulations per single- <br />family dwelling unit and multiple-family dwelling unit. <br />(b) For Classification B Users. The user charge shall be as listed in San Leandro <br />Administrative Code §6.4.100. The charge shall be based upon the volume of water used <br />as determined by the methods described in these Uniform Wastewater Discharge <br />Regulations. <br />(c) For Classification C Users. Industrial and other large users shall be assessed user <br />charges based on measured discharges of wastewater flow, BOD, and SS. Such <br />measurement shall be obtained from monitoring facilities installed on private property at <br />the points of discharge to the sewer system, unless another location is approved by the <br />Manager. Both installation and operating costs of the monitoring facilities shall be at the <br />sole expense of the user. Frequency of monitoring shall be determined by the Manager. <br />Sampling and testing shall be performed by City staff and shall be paid for by the user in <br />accordance with San Leandro Administrative Code §6.4.100. In the event that City staff <br />are unable to take samples and make tests during a billing period, an average of the test <br />results for the prior twelve month period shall be used to estimate BOD and SS <br />discharges for the billing period. The Manager shall have the discretion of not using an <br />unusually high measurement if it is judged to be unrepresentative of a user's long-term <br />use of the wastewater system and/or can be explained by a one-time event. <br />Department Responsible for Revision: Public Works Chapter 12.5 <br />06/21 /2010 Page 4 <br />