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ti E SeN (F9yQ Ciry of San Leandro Notice of Proposed <br />0 835 E. 14"` Street Sewer and Wastewater Treatment <br />San Leandro CA 94577 Rate Increase and Public Hearing <br />The Ciry of San Leandro is considering raising rates for sewer/wastewater treatment services, according to the <br />tables on the back, to fund continued maintenance and operations, as well as seismic repairs and comprehensive <br />modernization of the wastewater treatment facility. <br />The San Leandro Water Pollution Control Division operates and maintains sewer lines and the Wastewater Treatment Plant <br />(Plant). The Plant has been serving the community since 1939-it is aging and needs to be modernized to meet today's operating <br />and seismic standazds and to continue to comply with California's strict water quality standadds. <br />• The Plant has been in continuous operation for 70 years, 24 • Modernization will ensure the Plant can hold more water <br />hours a day, and the structures and equipment are nearing during peak hours and allow for steady cleaning of water <br />the end of their useful lives. during storm conditions, preventing untreated water from <br />• Making emergency repairs when equipment fails costs three entering the Bay. <br />times more than planned replacement. • Modernizing the Plant now will allow the Ciry to take <br />• Advanced technology is more effective and efficient and advantage of potential federal stimulus grants, historically <br />low interest rates, and a favorable construction climate. <br />will allow the plant to clean more water every day, while <br />meeting even higher clean water standards. • Annual operating costs are about $7 million. <br />• The Plant currently cleans about twice as many pollutants • The upgrades will cost $37-$46 million. <br />as other plants of its size. <br />In accordance with Proposition 218 (Article XIIID of the California Constitution), this notice about the proposed rate increase <br />is being sent to all property owners served by the Ciry of San Leandro Water Pollution Control Plant (approximately 15,500). <br />If more than 50% of property owners submit a written protest to the City during the 45-day protest period that runs from <br />May 5, 2010 to June 21, 2010, the City cannot raise rates. If fewer than 50% of property owners submit a written protest <br />within that timeframe, the Ciry has the discretion to consider raising sewer/wastewater treatment services up to the amounts <br />shown in this notice. The proposed rates, if adopted, would be effective after July 1, 2010; all increases shown would be <br />effective as of July 1st of each subsequent year. 'Ihe rates cannot exceed the maximum shown in the table nor be raised again <br />without another written notice to property owners and a Public Hearing. <br />If you do not agree with the proposed rate increase, you may submit a written protest letter or use the form below and deliver <br />it in one of three ways: <br />1. Mail it to the San Leandro City Clerk, Wastewater Rates, 835 E. 14`" Street, San Leandro CA 94577. It must arrive by <br />5 p.m., June 21, 2010. <br />2. Hand deliver your letter or the form below to the San Leandro Ciry Clerk at 835 E. 14`h Street, Room 205, San Leandro <br />CA 94577, by 7 p.m., June 21, 2010. <br />3. Bring your letter or the form below to: <br />City Council Public Heazing <br />7 p.m. June 21, 2010 <br />San Leandro City Ha(1 <br />835 E. 14`s Street, Council Chambers, San Leandro CA 94577 <br />In order to be counted as a valid protest against the proposed rate increase, your letter or the form below must include the <br />Assessor's Parcel Number (on mailing label), the property address, and an authorized signature, and be delivered as outlined <br />above. Only one protest is allowed per property. <br />(continued on back) <br />---------- ------------------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Protest Form <br />If you would like to protest the proposed sewer and wastewater treatment rate increase, you may write a letter or wmplete this form, detach <br />it, and mail it to the San Leandro Ciry Clerk, Wastewater Rates, 835 E. 14th Street, San Leandro CA 94577. Or you may hand deliver your <br />letter or this form to the City's Clerk's office, 835 E. 14th Street, Room 205> San Leandro, CA 94577. In order to be counted as a valid <br />protest against the proposed rate increase, this form or your letter must include the Assessor's Pazcel Number (on mailing label), the property <br />address, and an authorized signature, and be delivered to the City Clerk no later than the end of the Public Heazing on June 21, 2010 <br />at 7 p.m. Only one protest is allowed per property. <br />Assessor's Pazcel Number: <br />Property Address: <br />^ I protest the proposed sewer and wastewater treatment rate increase to fund operations, <br />maintenance, modernization and replacement costs related to providing sewer service to <br />properties within the San Leandro Water Pollution Control Plant service azea. <br />I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the owner of the above listed property or the authorized representative of the owner <br />of the above listed property. <br />Please print your name <br />Please sign your name <br />