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Alameda County Congestion Management Agency <br />Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Merger Implementation Plan <br />• Phase 111 - Merger of program and project delivery functions <br />• Phase IV -Collocation of staff (unless subleases can be found or <br />other lease changes can be negotiated earlier) <br />Table 1 shows the estimated savings for each phase identified in the <br />threshold analysis. <br />TABLE 1: THRESHOLD ANALYSIS INVESTMENT <br />Project One Time Transition Ongoing Annual <br />Phase Cost Range Savin~s__ <br />$220,000 to $270,000 $151,000 to $171,000 <br />$230,000 $160,000 <br />III $120,000 to $210,000 $280,000 to $460,000 <br />IV $110,000 $100,000 <br />Total $680,000 to $820,000 $643,000 to $891,000 <br />A summary of the recommendations with associated transition costs and <br />possible savings was presented in the July 2009 report. The summary can <br />be found as Attachment A to this Merger Implementation Plan. <br />The presentation to the Joint Board(s) of Directors of the CMA and ACTIA <br />in late May as well as the July 2009 report recommended the development <br />of an implementation plan as the next step in a potential consolidation or <br />merger. The implementation plan would further scope the agreed upon <br />service sharing opportunities and develop a detailed plan for presentation <br />to the executive directors and the respective Boards of Directors. <br />The joint Boards agreed with this recommendation and directed staff to <br />take the next step and develop a full merger implementation plan for their <br />consideration. The Boards also established an Ad Hoc Committee with <br />members from each Board of Directors to oversee and provide general <br />direction during the development of the merger implementation plan. <br />Management Partners developed the Merger Action Plan (transmitted <br />separately in electronic form) to provide the steps and general timing for <br />the actions needed to merge the staff and business activities of the <br />separate transportation agencies into a new single organization. <br />Throughout the development of the plan, Management Partners received <br />general comments from the Ad Hoc Committee of Board members. The <br />executive directors of both agencies and legal counsel were also involved <br />in the review and development of the action plan. <br />The plan is based on this general oversight and review, as well as <br />Management Partners' efforts to define the appropriate action steps, <br />Management Partners, Inc. <br />