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ACTC -Joint Powers Agreement S June 21, 2010 <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />• 20.01 Coordination with Regional Agencies <br />• 20.02 Representation on Commissions <br />Fiscal Impact <br />There is no direct fiscal impact of this action. There are indirect fiscal impacts due to the <br />potential for reduction in miscellaneous expenses related to consolidated meetings resulting from <br />the merger between the agencies. <br />Attach m en tc <br />• Executive Summary - Service Sharing and Consolidation Analysis, July 2009 by <br />Management Partners, Inc. <br />• Executive Summary -Merger Implementation Plan, January 2010 by Management Partners, <br />Inc. <br />CONCLUSION <br />It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the <br />necessary agreements to enter the City of San Leandro into the Joint Powers Agreement creating <br />the ACTC and to approve amendments to the JPA for the CMA for CMA Board representation, <br />and appoint two members of the Council as Representative and Alternate to the ACTC Board. <br />G:\ Admin\COUNCIL\2010\6 JiJN 21\ACTIA Merger\ACTC JPA MEMO.Docx <br />