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Alameda County Congestion Management Agency <br />Alameda County Transportation Improvement Agency <br />Service Sharing and Consolidation Analysis <br />there are significant cost benefits to be achieved through service sharing. <br />Additionally, the threshold analysis indicated that a complete merger or <br />integration of the agencies would result in a united and strengthened <br />agency, one better positioned to deliver programs and projects, in the <br />highly competitive environment which now exists. Both agencies are <br />already considered exemplary and successful in their fields within the <br />State of California. However, a merged agency would enable a united <br />front to be presented when interfacing with regional, state and federal <br />agencies and elected officials and allow even more influence and <br />streamlined operations. <br />Our analysis, as summarized in Table 1, shows that an investment in <br />service sharing and consolidation is sufficiently compelling to consider the <br />development of an implementation plan as the next step in the process. <br />Details of the threshold analysis are described more in-depth later in the <br />Transition Costs/Benefits Summary section of this report. <br />TABLE 1: THRESHOLD ANALYSIS INVESTMENT <br />PrOjeCt <br />Phase Calendar Year <br />l Second quarter 2010 <br />II Fourth quarter 2011 <br />III First quarter 2011 <br />IV 2D13 <br />Total <br />One Time Transition Ongoing Annual <br />Cast Ranae Savinas <br />$220,000~27D,000 <br />$230,000 <br />$120,000-210,000 <br />$110,000 <br />$680,000-820,000 <br />$151,000-171,000 <br />$160,000 <br />$280,000-460,000 <br />$100,000 <br />$643,000-891,000 <br />Three organizational concepts for a new organizational structure are <br />described in this report. They are provided as representational concepts <br />for how a combined or merged organization might be organized for <br />purposes of carrying out the combined work program of both agencies. <br />These three concepts are: <br />Concept 1: Consolidated Administrative Services, Separate Agency <br />Programs and Projects <br />Concept 2: Consolidated Administrative Services, Programming <br />Separated, Policy and Planning Aligned, Consolidated Capital Project <br />Delivery <br />Concept 3: Consolidated Administrative Services, Capital Project and <br />Programming Integrated, Policy and Planning Aligned <br />Management Partners, Inc. <br />