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cessful, mix of traditional Downtown and shopping center environments. <br />The termination of Estudillo Street to accommodate the Washington Plaza <br />project severely interrupted the grid street pattern, replacing traditional build- <br />ing patterns and introducing large expanses of parking unfriendly to pedes- <br />trians. <br />Within the last decade or so, Downtown San Leandro uses have largely <br />evolved into neighborhood retail commercial, such as grocery and pharma- <br />ceutical sales, with discount or "lower end" retail and service uses. While <br />Downtown has become a financial center for the City, traditional dining <br />establishments have declined, and services are "spotty," i.e. there are an over- <br />abundance of hair salons and banks, but not enough sit-down restaurants, <br />night-time entertainment and specialty retail. <br />Nevertheless, Downtown San Leandro continues to exhibit significant <br />strengths as a retail and financial center for the City. Those strengths are as <br />follows: <br />Dozvntosvn Strengths <br />• A safe, friendly environment in which to shop <br />• A unique collection of buildings with different architectural <br />history and pedestrian scale <br />• A Downtown in close proximity to neighborhoods <br />• Good population base - 94,400 within a 2-mile radius of Down- <br />town <br />• Existing major retailers -Safeway, Lucky's, Longs <br />• Serves as a banking /Financial center for the region <br />• Excellent vehicular access with generous parking <br />• Strong Downtown Business Association and Chamber of Com- <br />merce support <br />• Strong office and industrial employment base immediately adja- <br />cent to Downtown <br />Issues To Be Addressed <br />In spite of these many strengths, the preparation of this Plan has identi- <br />fied anumber of issues to be addressed by the City and the community. <br />They are as follows: <br />• The retail and service mix currently provided in the Downtown <br />do not meet buyers' expectations; there is an unmet need for higher <br />~, end specialty retail, sit-down restaurants, and mode entertainment <br />(nighttime/weekend activity) uses. <br />• Significant property owner investment is needed for existing <br />Downtown buildings in order to attract the higher end tenant mix <br />desired by the City. Efforts must be made to demonstrate how <br />individual building owner's can financially benefit from upgrading <br />their buildings. <br />• Pedestrian linkages eliminated by the introduction of shopping <br />San Leandro Downtown Plan & Urban Design Guidelines October 2000 page 9 <br />