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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 12 <br />Chapter 5 <br />PUBLIC WORKS <br />Uniform Wastewater Discharge <br />Regulations <br />Demand Charge -Effective July 1, 1998 <br />Parameter Billing Unit Unit Cost <br />Flow Million Gallons Per Day (mgd) $59,120.00 <br />BOD Pounds Per Day 2.50 <br />SS Pounds Per Day 5.30 <br />Connection Each 2.60 <br />Loading charges shall be based on the total discharge volumes for the billing <br />period. The loading charge may vary from month to month and shall be <br />obtained by multiplying the quantity of each billing parameter (for the billing <br />period) by the appropriate unit cost shown below. If a user's BOD and SS <br />strengths are relatively constant, the Manager may establish a unit rate per <br />volume of wastewater discharged until such time that it has been determined <br />that there has been a significant change in the user's operation which would <br />materially affect sewage flows and strengths. <br />Loading Charge -Effective July 1, 1998 <br />Parameter BillingUnit Unit Cost <br />Volume Million Gallons $286.00 <br />BOD Thousand Pounds 66.00 <br />SS Thousand Pounds 114.00 <br />(d) Estimate of Peak Month Parameters. Classification C users may, at <br />their option, submit an estimate of the peak month parameters for the <br />ensuing fiscal year. The City will use the peak month estimate for <br />calculation of monthly demand charges for that fiscal year. Should the <br />estimated peak month use figures be exceeded, the user shall be billed the <br />demand unit costs multiplied by the new peak month discharge. This <br />amount shall be assessed retroactively to the beginning of the fiscal year. <br />Each time a higher peak month discharge occurs during the fiscal year, the <br />above process will be repeated. <br />(e) Replacement Fund. That portion of user charge revenues collected for <br />replacement accrual shall be deposited in a separate fund to be used for <br />future treatment facility replacements and improvements. <br />03-OS-O1 6 <br />