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., <br />APPENDIX D <br />NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />(To be prepared pursuant to San Leandro Administrative Code <br />§28.1.140(c) <br />Description of project (include commonly used name, if any) American Baptist Homes of the <br />West. (ABHOW) Senior Housing Project; Development of 60 senior housing apartment units and <br />amenities. <br />Project location (street address, city, county) Area bounded by East 14"' Street to the west, <br />Broadmoor Blvd. to the north, and Cambridge Avenue to the south, San Leandro, Alameda County <br />Name of project proponent City of San Leandro <br />I hereby find that the above project will not have a significant effect on the environment. <br />~ ~~~ <br />Signa e <br />Debbie Potter <br />Attached is a copy of the Initial Study ("Environmental Information Form" and <br />"Environmental Checklist") documenting the reasons to support the above finding. <br />The following mitigation measures are included in the project to avoid potentially <br />significant effects on the environment. (If no mitigation measures are included, indicate not <br />applicable".) As noted in the Initial Study and the attached Mitigated Monitoring Plan <br />Attach. <br />Date Published: <br />Date Posted• <br />Date Notice Mailed: <br />Considered by: <br />on: <br />Action on Negative Declaration: <br />Approved: Disapproved: <br />Notice of Determination filed: <br />Council Reso. No. <br />Printed Name <br />Redevelopment Administrator <br />Title <br />December ~ 3.1999 <br />Date <br />