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patterns. There are no surface waters to which drainage might be discharged into. Project <br />drainage would go through the existing storm drain system. No groundwater would be affected <br />by development of the project, nor is the project site within an identified flood zone. <br />FINDING: No impacts to water resources are anticipated. <br />5) BIOTIC RESOURCES <br />EFFECT: Due to the existing developed'state of the project site, no significant, rare or <br />endangered plant or animal species currently exist. Therefore, redevelopment of the site with <br />residential uses would not result in a potentially significant impact. <br />FINDING: No impacts to plant or animal species are anticipated. <br />6) CONSTRUCTION NOISE <br />EFFECT: A noise analysis was performed by Robert Shaw in conjunction with an <br />application for HUD/FHA funding for the project. This report concluded that the project site has <br />an overall day-night average noise level of 78.5 DNL, as a result of fronting on E. 14t'' Street, a <br />major roadway. The San Leandro General Plan contains guidelines for determining the <br />compatibility of various land uses with different noise environments. For residential land uses, <br />the General Plan notes that a noise environment of 55 Ldn or less is "clearly acceptable" while a <br />noise environment between 55 and 65 Ld„ is "conditionally acceptable." Noise levels in excess <br />of 65 Ld„ are "normally unacceptable" for residential uses. Noise is also regulated in San <br />Leandro through the noise ordinance, which can consider the level, intensity, character, and <br />duration of the noise as well as the time and place of the noise in determining whether the <br />ordinance has been violated. Construction activities would intermittently and temporarily <br />generate noise levels above existing ambient levels in the project vicinity. This would mostly <br />affect the residents to the east and businesses in the immediate vicinity. This is a potentially <br />significant impact. <br />MITIGATION: To reduce the construction noise effects, the City will require <br />construction contractors to limit noisy construction activities to the least noise-sensitive times of <br />the day and week (e.g., 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). <br />FINDING: This change has been required in, or incorporated into the Project and will <br />avoid potentially significant environmental impacts as identified in the Initial Study. <br />7) OPERATIONAL NOISE <br />EFFECT: Stationary mechanical equipment associated with the new apartment building <br />could increase noise levels in the project vicinity. Specifically, this could affect existing residents <br />to the east and proposed on-site residents. Stationary mechanical equipment would include such <br />items as heating/ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. This could be a substantial <br />source of noise depending on distance and inclusion ofnoise-reducing features. This is a <br />potentially significant impact. <br />3 <br />