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proposed project be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering and <br />Transportation Division, with requirements installed prior to issuance of <br />occupancy permits. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: A traffic study was prepared by TJKM <br />Transportation Consultants and is included as an attachment to the Initial Study <br />and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The traffic study concluded that with the <br />northern San Leandro Boulevard driveway as a signalized intersection, all left <br />turns out could be facilitated. As a result, outbound left turns at the southern San <br />Leandro Boulevard driveway would need to be restricted. In addition, due to <br />limited width to accommodate a southbound left turn lane at the northern San <br />Leandro Boulevard driveway, southbound left turns should be restricted. Project <br />traffic from southbound San Leandro Boulevard would then need to use the <br />southern San Leandro Boulevard driveway to enter the project site. These <br />measures will ensure that any potential impacts related to project-related traffic <br />will be brought to a level below significance. <br />j. PUBLIC SERVICES <br />EFFECT: This infill project area is currently served by the City's police, fire <br />and refuse collection services. The services are expected to continue. <br />FINDINGS: Review of the building permits for this project, which will include <br />standard conditions of approval from the Police, Fire, and Engineering and <br />Transportation Departments, will ensure that the project's design will minimize <br />the need for significant additional services, e.g., security design and fire <br />suppression devices. The City's review process will reduce the affect on City <br />services to a level of less than significant. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: City review of this project will include standard <br />conditions of approval from the Police, Fire, and Engineering and Transportation <br />Departments, will ensure that the project's design will minimize the need for <br />significant additional services, e.g., security design and fire suppression devices. <br />The City's review process will reduce the affect on City services to a level of less <br />than significant. <br />EFFECT: This infill project is served by public utilities. Water, gas, electricity, <br />telephone, sewer, storm water and cable TV services are presently available or <br />can be extended from abutting streets. <br />FINDINGS: Water, gas, electricity, telephone, sewer, storm water and cable TV <br />services are presently available or can be extended from abutting streets with no <br />unusual problems anticipated and there is no significant impact relating to the <br />provision of utility services. <br />9 <br />