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Minutes - San Leandro City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page - 7 - <br /> February 5, 1996 <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> John Cortese, 675 Garside Court, said he is a resident of San Leandro, <br /> works at the Lucky's warehouse, and is a member of the Teamsters Local <br /> 70. He said he is glad to work here and have a job that allows him to <br /> buy a house. He encourages others who have the opportunity to live in <br /> San Leandro at a sustainable wage and benefits. He said the Council <br /> should consider that people who work here would like to live here, buy <br /> a house, and sustain a wage. <br /> Dana Johnson, 343 Farrelly Drive, said people are asking the Council to <br /> think twice because of non -union jobs. He said he did not see how the <br /> Council could determine whether union or non -union jobs can be created. <br /> He asked what the alternative would be if the project is not <br /> constructed. He said the Marina is drowning in red ink. He said an <br /> EIR won't help with the union situation. <br /> Leroy Dias, 2169 Harborview Drive, Representing Sheet Metal Workers, <br /> said there are ways of working this problem out so that people in the <br /> unions can work on this project. They have a training center on Marina <br /> Boulevard. This developer has built two projects, and none of their <br /> members have been used on those jobs. The people used by the developer <br /> haven't come through the training center and don't live here. He hopes <br /> something can be worked out. <br /> Darlene Evans, 361 Bristol Boulevard, said some sheet metal jobs are <br /> moving north. She asked why the City builds expensive facilities <br /> rather than inexpensive facilities, such as hostels. She said <br /> conference centers should be built close to BART. <br /> John Norton, the Developer, Cucamonga, California, said he has built in <br /> San Leandro and stands on his construction and operation. In response <br /> to Council questions, Mr. Norton said the project has been passed by <br /> BCDC, including questions on the third story. He said he built the San <br /> Leandro Marina Inn, which is a fine building. He said the traffic <br /> issues have been studied by staff. He said 16 extra units are not much <br /> impact. He said, if the project is delayed, he does not know whether <br /> funding would be available. He would worry about a long delay and the <br /> reason for it. He said they are not non - union; they are an open shop. <br /> He said they have hired union and non -union people for construction in <br /> other projects; in Oakland over 25% were union. He said he has nothing <br /> against unions, he believes in choice. He said he is willing to sit <br /> down and deal with the unions on issues related to using local people <br /> and paying prevailing wages. <br /> There being no further comments from the public, on motion of Council <br /> Member Myers, seconded by Council Member Kerr, and carried by a <br /> majority vote (7), the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> Council Member Myers moved to continue the matter to March 4, 1996, and <br /> to direct staff to further study the impact of traffic and parking, on <br /> weekends and during the week, and to have the union and developer get <br /> together. The motion was seconded by Council Member Polvorosa. The <br /> City Council discussed the motion. <br />