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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - February 20, 1996 Page - 3 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> C. Kim Scoby, 1408 Pearson Avenue, said, on October 25, 1995, her son was <br /> playing in San Leandro Creek and was beaten. He was in a coma for <br /> eight days and required throat surgery. Now a man was murdered in the <br /> same area. She said the neighbors need to know what's going on. She <br /> said there is either no fencing or the fencing has holes in it. She's <br /> been told there's a gang from Oakland patrolling the creek. She said <br /> her son felt safe but nearly lost his life. She said neighbors need to <br /> know they must keep their children out of the creek, and something must <br /> be done. She requested help from the City Council. <br /> Mayor Corbett said two people have been taken into custody in the <br /> murder case, and the Police Department is pursuing every lead to see <br /> that those who harmed her son are taken off the streets. <br /> The City Manager said a community meeting will be held with Ms. Scobee <br /> and her neighbors to get them involved and see how their concerns can <br /> be addressed. <br /> D. Donald Marshall, 14826 East 14th Street, said his family owns two <br /> blocks and asked what eminent domain will mean to them. Mayor Corbett <br /> explained that Mr. Marshall's property is not on the list of properties <br /> and will not be subject to eminent domain. <br /> E. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, spoke regarding the Little Davis <br /> Bacon Act. He said he has been very active in labor issues for many <br /> years and represents working men and women. He said the prevailing <br /> wage is the same as the minimum wage, and unless the Council <br /> establishes a prevailing wage, the Resolution will be meaningless. <br /> 6. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> The Consent Calendar was approved as follows: <br /> Introduced by Council Member Myers, who moved adoption of the Consent <br /> Calendar, with all items deemed to have been read by title, seconded by <br /> Council Member Kerr, with Council Member Loeffler absent (1), and carried <br /> by a majority vote (6). <br /> Consent Calendar items are typically routine in nature and are considered <br /> for approval by the City Council with one single action. The City Council <br /> may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of discussion. <br /> Items listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been read by title. <br /> A. Minutes of the meeting of February 5, 1996. Approved as submitted. <br />