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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - March 4, 1996 Page - 4 - <br /> 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> Public Comments are limited to 5 minutes per person. The public is invited <br /> to make any comments related to Agenda items (including San Leandro <br /> Redevelopment Agency, San Leandro Parking Authority, and San Leandro <br /> Industrial Development Authority) or other items of public interest at this <br /> time. Comments regarding Public Hearing items will be heard during the <br /> Public Hearing portion of the Agenda. <br /> A. Barry Luboviski, Representing the Building and Construction Trades <br /> Council and Central Labor Council, said there have been meetings with <br /> the Nortons and the organizations he represents. He said, although all <br /> issues have not been resolved, he feels they have moved forward in the <br /> process, and they would welcome the Inn proceeding, with caution and <br /> vigilance. <br /> B. Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, President of Mulford Gardens <br /> Improvement Association, expressed concern regarding the EIR. He said <br /> the EIR is too old, and 16 additional units will increase traffic. He <br /> said parking spaces are inadequate. He discussed a BCDC meeting notice <br /> he received stating the City and the Renaissance Company have submitted <br /> an application for a hotel and conference center at the Marina. He <br /> said this was the first notice he'd had about a hotel. He asked if the <br /> impact of the Renaissance Conference Center was taken into account when <br /> determining the impacts of the residence inn. <br /> The City Manager said the Renaissance Conference Center has always <br /> included two phases, a conference center and associated housing units; <br /> but the proposal so far is only for the conference center. He said the <br /> BCDC must determine if they have jurisdiction before any applications <br /> are made to the City. <br /> C. Maria Pallas, 13917 Seagate Drive, said, when Seagate was being built, <br /> the issue of traffic on Fairway and Marina was raised. She said <br /> Seagate has over 300 units and traffic flows smoothly. She said <br /> traffic would not be an issue with the residence inn. She requested <br /> the City Council approve the Inn. <br /> D. Howard Strawn, 2400 block Marina Boulevard, said traffic on Marina <br /> Boulevard is bad; he could not get out of his driveway when there was <br /> a lot of activity at the Blue Dolphin. Traffic counts on Marina <br /> Boulevard were done in the summer when parents were not taking children <br /> to school. He said he is concerned because people only use Marina <br /> Boulevard, not Fairway Drive. He said people who work on Williams or <br /> Polvorosa take Neptune to Williams to reach the freeway. He said the <br /> City should not hire consultants; they should utilize people in town <br /> who would be willing to give advice. <br />