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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 4 - <br /> Redevelopment Agency Meeting - November 4, 1996 <br /> 3.2 Audrey Albers, 2037 Marina Court, said she is on the Board of <br /> Directors for Mulford Gardens. She said it is not desirable <br /> to have the Conference Center at the Marina because it will <br /> take away from a beautiful natural location. She urged the <br /> Council to keep it a natural site. She said the project needs <br /> a full EIR. She said she agrees with a reuse of the Blue <br /> Dolphin but not a project of this size. She said the Council <br /> would not be able to make a decision due to the <br /> inconsistencies in the report. <br /> 3.3 Susan Boland, 1901 Nome Street, is concerned about noise and <br /> traffic as a result of the project. She said the report is <br /> speculative. She noted busy intersections throughout the <br /> area. She suggested a traffic signal near Garfield School. <br /> She said local businesses would use the site, therefore, <br /> traffic would increase. She said cars would be rented from <br /> the airport rather than using a shuttle. She is concerned <br /> that diversion of traffic through the side streets will occur <br /> and the noise level will increase. <br /> 3.4 Tom Guarino, San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, said he had <br /> letters of support for the project from Chamber members. He <br /> stated that they believe it is an excellent land -use <br /> opportunity. There is a void in the area of this type of <br /> business; it is good for economic development and good for <br /> jobs. He said it is critically important, from a business <br /> retention standpoint, because businesses are looking for sites <br /> with amenities. He said the shoreline and airport add to the <br /> project. He presented excerpts from several letters in <br /> support of the project and submitted the letters to the Clerk <br /> for distribution to the Council. He concluded by asking those <br /> in the audience to stand in support of the project. <br /> 3.5 Steve Atwater, Gray and Reynolds, 1108 Broadway, Albany, said <br /> they are in support of the Conference Center. He said that, <br /> as a local developer, the project is consistent with land -use <br /> policy. He encouraged the Council to reject the Appellant's <br /> Appeal. He said other communities would embrace this project <br /> and it will attract new businesses to the area. <br /> 3.6 Lorraine Lins, 2523 Walnut Drive, said she is the current <br /> Chamber President, as well as a homeowner in Mulford Gardens <br /> for 24 years. She said she has not been bothered with noise <br /> in the Marina area. She recalled the busy traffic from the <br /> Blue Dolphin in past years. She supports the Network <br /> Conference Center. She said she has seen the Hayes Mansion in <br /> San Jose and believes San Leandro can enjoy the same type of <br /> project. She said San Leandro had been known as an industrial <br /> town; the Conference Center will make the Marina a <br /> destination. <br /> 3.7 Mason Rashid, 705 Tudor Road, supports expanding business in <br /> San Leandro. He said the Oakland Airport Expansion Project <br /> will effect affect the Conference tenter. <br />