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MINUTES Page 8 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Hillside Geologic Hazard Abatement District, and San Leandro <br /> Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting —July 19, 2010 <br /> Isaac Benabou, Vice President, San Leandro Police Officers Association, addressed <br /> the City Council, expressing the Association's support for the measure to maintain <br /> public safety services and restore necessary reserves. Mr. Benabou commented on the <br /> recent concessions made by SLPOA, and its members' willingness to assist in the <br /> measure's passage. Mr. Benabou stated that while the increase would have a minor <br /> impact on individuals. it would make a great impact on the City. <br /> Stephen Cassidy, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, expressing <br /> opposition to the proposed sales tax measure. Mr. Cassidy commented that City <br /> employees should contribute to the cost of their pension and health care costs. Mr. <br /> Cassidy commented that San Leandro would have the highest sales tax rate in Northern <br /> California. <br /> Michael Fitzgerald, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, supporting the <br /> sales tax measure. Mr. Fitzgerald commented on the programs and services provided by <br /> the City, and the quality of public safety services. Mr. Fitzgerald commented favorably <br /> on the local control aspect of the measure, and the need to preserve City services and <br /> quality of life in San Leandro. <br /> Sheldon Gilbert, Alameda County Fire Chief, addressed the City Council, expressing <br /> support for the revenue measure. Chief Gilbert commented on the concessions made by <br /> all City employee groups, and offered his personal time, and that of Police Chief Ian <br /> Willis, to chair a committee to educate the community about the measure. Chief Gilbert <br /> expressed concem about the significant cuts to public safety services without funding <br /> from this measure. <br /> End of Public Comments on Item 10.B. <br /> Vice Mayor Reed read into the record a letter from Tom Silva of the Rental <br /> Homeowners Association, expressing support for the revenue measure. <br /> City Clerk Marian Handa read a letter from Gordon Galvan on behalf of the Auto <br /> Dealers Association, expressing support for the sales tax measure. <br /> Councilmember Stephens stated that he would not support the measure. He expressed <br /> concern that the City can never quite keep up with the ever - increasing staff costs, and <br /> must continually ask the community to give more. Councilmember Stephens remarked <br /> that somewhere, we need to draw the line. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak commented on the amount of community feedback the <br /> Council has received on this issue. She expressed her appreciation for the PowerPoint <br /> presentation, commenting that it provides a clear and concise reason that the measure is <br /> necessary for San Leandro. Councilmember Starosciak asked if the presentation would <br /> be made available to the public. <br /> Mr. Hollister stated that he would have the presentation posted on the City's website. <br />