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Estudillo Callan Parking Garage. Award 3 September 20, 2010 <br /> Section 33445.1 of the Califomia Community Redevelopment Law (California Health and Safety <br /> Code Section 33000 et seq.) (the "Redevelopment Law ") requires that a redevelopment agency <br /> may, with the consent of the legislative body, pay for all or a portion of the value of land for and <br /> the cost of the installation and construction of public improvements located outside the project <br /> area if the Agency and the legislative body determine that: <br /> 1) The buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are of primary benefit to the <br /> redevelopment project areas; and <br /> 2) No other reasonable means of financing the buildings, facilities, structures. or other <br /> improvements are available to the community, including, but not limited to, general <br /> obligation bonds, special assessment bonds, or Mello -Roos bonds; <br /> 3) The payment of funds for the cost of buildings, facilities, structures, or other <br /> improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the <br /> project area; <br /> 4) The agency's assistance for the public improvements is consistent with its current five - <br /> year implementation plan. <br /> Section 33220(a) of the Redevelopment Law provides that, for the purpose of aiding and <br /> cooperating in the Redevelopment Plans, the City, upon the terms and with or without <br /> consideration as it determines, may aid and assist the Agency with redevelopment projects by <br /> entering into an agreement with the Agency. <br /> Analysis <br /> Redevelopment Law, Section 33445.1, Findings <br /> When Redevelopment Agency funds are used to fund public improvements either within or <br /> adjacent to a redevelopment project area, California Redevelopment Law requires that: <br /> 1. The consent of the legislative body be obtained for the use of said funds; and <br /> 2. Certain findings, outlined in the previous section. be made to ensure the proposed <br /> improvements are of benefit to the project areas, consistent with identified redevelopment <br /> plan objectives and that there are no alternative means for funding the project. <br /> The Project falls within the boundaries of the Plaza Redevelopment Project Area. The garage <br /> will benefit the Plaza and Joint Project Areas by supporting additional retail development. It will <br /> facilitate mixed use development consistent with the TOD Strategy by providing satellite parking <br /> reservoirs next to retail opportunities in the project areas and is in lieu of additional surface <br /> parking that disrupts the flow of the downtown area. Significantly, the Project will allow for <br /> development on the South Gateway (Albertson) and Town Hall Square sites. <br /> City staff has explored potential funding sources and has determined that there is no other source <br /> of funds reasonably available to the City to contribute toward the Project due to economic and <br /> political factors, other than City general fund revenues which are committed for the provision of <br /> essential services such as police and fire. <br /> The proposed Project will help eliminate blight in the project areas and surrounding areas by <br /> eliminating several challenges associated with the current structure and will stimulate economic <br /> development by providing additional parking capacity. Opportunity sites that are presently <br /> vacant, such as the South Gateway and Town Hall Square, will become substantially more viable <br />