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8C Consent 2010 1004
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Packet 2010 1004
8C Consent 2010 1004
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9/30/2010 4:18:55 PM
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9/30/2010 4:18:55 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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E 14 Striping & Ped. Improv. <br /> Award of Contract 2 October 4, 2010 <br /> The project will include: 1) removing the existing striping and replacing it with the reconfigured <br /> striping design; 2) removing and replacing traffic loops at the East 14` Street and Dutton Avenue <br /> intersection; and 3) reconfiguring the traffic signal's mast arms to line up correctly with the <br /> reconfigured striping. <br /> The project will maintain the center two -way left -turn lane, but an additional through travel lane <br /> will be added in the northbound direction between Hays Street and Georgia Way, north of <br /> Dutton Avenue. Pedestrian safety features, such as in- street pedestrian signs, will be added at <br /> selected crosswalks that currently serve relatively higher pedestrian volumes but do not have <br /> traffic signals. Left -tum lanes and parallel parking will continue to be provided. <br /> The typical roadway section is as follows: <br /> • (1) 11 -foot wide center two -way left -turn lane <br /> • (3) 11 -foot wide travel lanes (2 northbound, 1 southbound) <br /> • (2) 4.5 -foot wide "bicycle/buffer" areas <br /> • (2) 7 -foot wide parking lanes <br /> • Total curb -to -curb width = 67 feet <br /> While the construction work is underway, traffic on East 14th Street will be impacted. Left turns <br /> and street parking will be prohibited at some locations between the construction working hours <br /> of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. "No Parking" signs will be posted prior to <br /> commencement of the work. Traffic will remain one lane in each direction between the hours of <br /> 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Roadway construction will start on or about Monday, November 8, <br /> 2010 and is expected to take approximately one month to complete. Businesses and residents <br /> will receive a letter notifying them of the upcoming project prior to the start of work. <br /> The project will also include the installation of a roundabout at the intersection of San Leandro <br /> Boulevard, Park Street, West Broadmoor Boulevard and Apricot Street. The large asphalt road <br /> area created by the intersection of these streets creates driver confusion leading to a high <br /> collision rate. The installation of new striping, delineators, and appropriate signage to create a <br /> roundabout will redirect vehicles entering the intersection into a circular traffic pattern to <br /> eliminate conflicts. Including the Semi - roundabout work with the East 14 Striping project will <br /> create a more efficient construction project and reduce costs. <br /> Analysis <br /> A total of one (1) bid was received on September 22, 2010. The bid was in the amount of <br /> $118,255 which has been determined to be a responsive bid. The engineer's estimate for <br /> construction was $149,007.50. It is believed that there was only one bid due to the shortage of <br /> thermoplastic striping paint, the material that will be used for this project. The City has had many <br /> successful projects with the Chrisp Company in the past and therefore a single bid is satisfactory <br /> for this project. <br />
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