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MINUTES Page 8 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — January 18, 2011 <br /> Public Comments on Item 10.C.: <br /> Louis Heystek, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, acknowledging the <br /> good work by City staff on this project. Mr. Heystek commented that the plan does not <br /> adequately address pedestrian safety, side street access onto East 14 and traffic <br /> congestion at the Dutton intersection. Mr. Heystek commented that members of the <br /> public might have been unaware that the project was proposed for approval tonight, and <br /> he requested that the matter be referred back to the City Council Facilities and <br /> Transportation Committee for further review and more community input. <br /> David Ehrlich, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, agreeing with the <br /> previous speaker that he was unaware that the project was scheduled for approval <br /> tonight. <br /> End of Public Comments on Item 10.C. <br /> Councilmember Cutter noted that although she is listed as a member of the 2005 Traffic <br /> Management Group, she was never notified of any meetings. She expressed concerns <br /> with the proposed plan, stating that it does not address the issues raised by the area's <br /> residents. <br /> Vice Mayor Reed pointed out that the recommendation of the Facilities and <br /> Transportation Committee reported in the January 3, 2011 Council agenda was to <br /> "Schedule Discussion of the East 14 Street Striping Project," and that this wording did <br /> not mention award of the contract. <br /> Councilmember Souza expressed her support for moving the project forward. <br /> Councilmember Prola commented that traffic in the area would be reviewed every <br /> quarter, and changes could be made. He suggested that the low attendance at the <br /> community meeting may be an indication that most residents are comfortable with the <br /> plan. He expressed support for proceeding with the project. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak concurred with Councilmember Prola, noting that it has <br /> been stated over and over that the area is unsafe now, and the improvements are needed. <br /> She pointed out that the striping is not a permanent fixture; if further modifications are <br /> needed, they can be made relatively easily, and the area can be made safer. <br /> Councilmember Souza commented on the adjustments to the project that have been <br /> made based on citizen input. <br /> Councilmember Cutter commented that she would like to see the safety issues raised by <br /> the community addressed before proceeding with the project. <br /> M/S /C Souza and Prola. Ayes: 5; Noes: 2 (Cutter and Cassidy) <br />