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MINUTES Page 4 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council Special Meeting — January 29, 2011 <br /> night that had an item with large public participation so as to be respectful of their time. It was <br /> also suggested that both Council and staff give each other a "heads up" on issues. It was <br /> agreed that staff would develop some suggested processes and bring it back to the Council to <br /> review. <br /> The discussion continued regarding how best to address Council requests of staff (e.g. <br /> directed to Department Heads or the City Manager). The current practice generally has a <br /> Councilmember contact the City Manager, who will then direct it to a Department Head. <br /> Staff clarified that responding to the Council is a priority. There was discussion on the timing <br /> of the agenda packets and allowing for enough time to contact staff with questions. Further <br /> discussion ensued on when to respond to the full Council vs. an individual member, <br /> responding to residents, and the time constraints on staff if the request is more than a short <br /> answer. It was determined that staff would develop some guidelines for Council to consider <br /> so as to make it more clear as to whom to contact. City Attomey Williams made note of the <br /> Brown Act requirements and limitations. The Council agreed that it is very important to <br /> provide consistent information to the community. <br /> • Review Council Goals for 2010 -11 and Revise, if Needed, for 2011 -12 <br /> Deputy City Manager Diaz presented the current 2010 -11 goals and requested any changes for <br /> the next fiscal year. Discussion ensued about some additional areas that could be included <br /> and discussed in the future, including communication, public engagement, quality of life and <br /> economic development. The goals were slightly modified and will be included in the budget <br /> document. It was also suggested that at the mid -year retreat, the Council take time to update <br /> the Vision Statement and values listed. <br /> • Closing Comments <br /> The Councilmembers agreed that communication and confidentiality are very important; they <br /> stated that some processes can be improved, and that protocol is very important as well. They <br /> were excited about the executive team working on strategic initiatives. There was some <br /> discussion that the retreat had too many agenda items and they would have wanted more time; <br /> they agreed to have another retreat later this year. Overall, they agreed that they are looking <br /> forward to the upcoming year. <br /> 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> Public Comments may be limited to 3 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the <br /> Mayor. The public is invited to make any comments related to Agenda items, or other items <br /> of public interest, at this time. <br /> Dave Johnson, Chamber of Commerce, addressed the City Council about the city <br /> manager /council form of government; the role of the Chamber with economic development; <br /> and suggested hosting a meeting for the public on budget development. <br />