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Adjustment to Fees, Service Charges, ancl Taxes 2 May 2, 2011 <br /> 3. Film permit and business license addition to Title 2, Chapter 4 of the San Leandro <br /> Administrative Code Section 2 -4 -900. <br /> Attached to this report is the City of San Leandro Fee Schedule that provides detail of current <br /> fees and proposed adjustments to those existing fees, as well as the additions of new fee <br /> proposals from the Community Development, Police, Public Works and Recreation departments. <br /> The proposed charges and new fees are in the right hand column and are printed in bold and <br /> italics. <br /> Film Permits and Business Licenses <br /> In 2006, the City implemented regulations requiring professional filming companies to obtain a <br /> film permit and pay associated fees in order to film in the city. News gathering projects are <br /> exempt, and bona fide student projects require a permit but fees are waived. Part of the film <br /> permit process requires filming companies to obtain a City business license. However, staff has <br /> found that the expense of a business license can be a deterrent to small filming projects on <br /> limited budgets, resulting in a loss of' filming projects to other communities. <br /> Staff conducted an informal survey of surrounding communities and found that most of the other <br /> cities in Alameda County do not require small film companies with short projects to obtain a <br /> business license, and give staff the discretion to determine whether one should be required for <br /> larger projects. <br /> Staff is recommending Section 2 -4 -900 be added to Title 2, Chapter 4 of the San Leandro <br /> Administrative Code to read as follows: <br /> 2 -4 -900 BUSINESS LICENSE EXEMPTIONS <br /> A business license shall not be required for filming projects lasting three days or <br /> less and involving a total of three or fewer cast and crew members. The Finance Director <br /> shall have the discretion to require a business license for any project scheduled to last <br /> more than three days and involving more than three cast and crew members. <br /> Any project required to have a business license shall be subject to the terms and <br /> conditions of Title 2, Chapter 2 of the San Leandro Municipal Code relating to Business <br /> Licenses. <br /> Staff receives an average of six to eight inquiries per year regarding filming projects in San <br /> Leandro, but only one or two actually ever come to fruition. Therefore, this Administrative Code <br /> change will have no measurable fiscal impact on the City. <br /> The Community Relations Representative manages all film permits as the City's Film Liaison. <br />