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East I4'" Street Striping and Pedestrian Improvements <br /> Acceptance of Work 3 May 16, 2011 <br /> Environmental Review <br /> Through CEQA review, this project was deemed a Categorical Exclusion on March 20, 2009. <br /> Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br /> Letters•were sent to property owners notifying them of construction dates and times. No parking <br /> signs were posted 72 hours prior to the start of enforcement. <br /> Fiscal Impact <br /> The total cost of the project was $218,000.00. The cost of the construction contract was as <br /> follows: <br /> Original Contract $118,255.00 <br /> Contract Change Orders $ 17,357.10 <br /> Total Contract Amount $135,612.10 <br /> Change order items included reinforcing the Duracurb strips at the roundabout with epoxy, <br /> Caltrans revisions to the layout, and the addition of pavement legends on the East 14 Street <br /> Striping project. <br /> Budget Authority <br /> • DFSI funds were allocated in the 2009 -2010 City budget in the amount of $185,402.00 <br /> (Account No. 120 -38 -244) <br /> • DFSI funds were allocated in the 2009 -2010 City budget in the amount of $36,456.00 <br /> (Account No. 120 -38 -282) <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> Staff recommends acceptance of the work, filing of the Notice of Completion, and upon <br /> completion to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the one -year maintenance period, hereby <br /> authorizes the City Manager to release the Maintenance Bond for the subject project. <br /> G: \_Council Items In Process\MAY 16\E 14th St Striping - ACCEPT\E14 Striping ACCEPT MEM.DOCX <br />