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Alameda CTC Paratransit Program Application <br />Application Period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 12 <br />S. Please provide details regarding your vehicle fleet. To answer this question, complete the <br />Table 2 Attachment (Table 2 tab) in the Excel workbook. <br />6. Does your program provide meal delivery? <br />❑ Yes <br />✓❑ No <br />6A. If faced with revenue shortfalls, how do you balance meal delivery with trip requests? <br />(max. 255 characters) <br />7. Describe your driver training program. (max. 500 characters) <br />he city believes that well trained, friendly, customer service oriented drivers are key to the success of the <br />aratransit program. Training includes, but is not limited to, customer service, City paratransit service <br />olicies and procedures, first aid, vehicle equipment, incident reporting, emergency procedures, sensitivity <br />aining, use of wheelchair lifts and tie -down procedures. Drivers are required eight hours minimum <br />ational Safety Council Defensive Driving course or equivalent. <br />8. Describe your policies concerning timely pick -ups or drop -offs. Include what window your <br />program allows, if there is a standard for the percentage of pick -ups or drop -offs that must <br />occur within the window, the policy concerning early pick -ups, and whether there is a <br />maximum amount of lateness after which you count a provider no -show or missed trip. <br />(max. 500 characters) <br />uttle performance is determined by the departure and arrival time of each bus at the start /finish point. <br />ch bus must depart no later than five (5) minutes after the scheduled depart time for each run, and arrive <br />ck at the Shuttle finish point no later than five minutes after the scheduled arrival time for each run. <br />quired minimum on -time performance is 97 percent of all scheduled runs. Medical transportation has a <br />minute window and 97 percent required on -time performance. <br />9. Describe your policies conerning the maximum time a rider maybe on a vehicle. Indicate <br />if there is a maximum time, and if there is a standard for the percentage of total trips that <br />must fall within this maximum time. (max. 255 characters) <br />To date, it has not been necessary to set a maximum ride time limit. Average ride time for medical <br />service is currently 18 minutes. One full loop of the Shuttle is 49 minutes on the North Route and 56 <br />minutes on the South Route. <br />