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EXHIBIT A <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Term of Contract: July 1, 2011 — June 30, 2012 <br /> Agency: Davis Street Family Resource Center <br /> Address: 3081 Teagarden Street <br /> San Leandro, CA 94577 <br /> Contact Person: Rose Padilla Johnson, Executive Director <br /> Phone: 510- 347 -4620 <br /> Project Name: DSFRC Community Counseling Program <br /> PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br /> The DSFRC Community Counseling Program is a "crisis intervention" services in the continuum of care. The <br /> program will provide mental health services: crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and short-term counseling <br /> for adults, youth, and children in individual, family, and group sessions. The provision of community <br /> counseling services in a confidential setting assists individuals and families develop constructive coping <br /> strategies with major life stressors (e.g. trauma, grief, violence, depression, etc.) that can interfere with <br /> everyday functioning in life such as in school and at work. These counseling services can help improve lives <br /> by helping these individuals and families gain knowledge about themselves and develop tools and skills for <br /> dealing with challenging situations that will ultimately help them make positive life choices. <br /> MAJOR ACTIVITIES <br /> DSFRC Community Counseling Services will provide crisis intervention and short-term counseling to <br /> individuals, families, couples, children /youth, and seniors and groups to people in the San Leandro region. <br /> The group counseling includes anger management, parenting skills, and domestic violence intervention (for <br /> perpetrators). The program will provide a bilingual, in Spanish, therapist to provide counseling services to <br /> Spanish- speaking clients_..Counseling clients are also provided with access to other Family Resource Center <br /> programs, including emergency food and clothing, childcare resources, medical and dental care, employment <br /> assistance and support, and housing resources, provided that they are eligible for these programs <br /> PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br /> SUBRECIPIENT SHALL, FOR THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT use evaluation tools that consist of a client <br /> survey /self report, structured developmental history and therapist report, and school documentation. To track <br /> this grant's outcomes, Subrecipient will monitor its computerized client data collection system. The <br /> performance measures are: <br /> 1. 211 San Leandro individuals (in group, family, couples or individual sessions) will receive crisis <br /> intervention and /or short-term community counseling services and access to eligible family resource <br /> center services. <br /> 2. Seventy -five percent (75 %) or 158 San Leandro clients regularly seen will report a reduction in the <br /> severity or frequency of the presenting issue as supported by a decrease in high -risk behavior. <br /> - 13 - <br /> CDBG Agreement with DSFRC — <br /> Community Counseling Program FY11 -12 <br />