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• • <br /> would provide an opportunity for the City's Forum representatives to consider local <br /> issues and concerns that could be presented at Forum meetings. Since the next Forum <br /> meeting is scheduled for July 18, 2001, the next Committee meeting will be set for 3- <br /> 4 weeks before that date, followed by quarterly meetings in the future. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> • Harold Perez asked if the home insulation program avigation easement would prevent <br /> anyone from adding a second story to their homes because of proximity to the airport. <br /> Mr. Grossman said that would not be a restriction. <br /> • Francois Gallo asked for clarification on questions from the community information <br /> meeting in September. 1) Would carrier flights be rescheduled or diverted to reduce <br /> air traffic during the runway overlay construction? Mr. Grossman replied that some <br /> cargo carriers would be reducing the size of the planes being used, but didn't expect <br /> any reductions in carrier schedules or diversions to other airports. 2) Could some <br /> aircraft be tugged to the north field rather than using all engines to taxi, thereby <br /> reducing air pollution emissions? Mr. Grossman replied that most carriers use only 2 <br /> engines when taxiing. 3) When will construction supply delivery routes be identified <br /> and will San Leandro streets be affected? Mr. Grossman replied that hauling routes <br /> would be identified in the next 30 -60 days. 98 Avenue will be the likely hauling <br /> route, but other alternatives will be explored in case of emergencies. 4) Was <br /> Taxiway W designed to accommodate 747's? Mr. Grossman replied no. Taxiway W <br /> will accommodate up to MD -1 l's. UPS uses 747's but will likely be using smaller <br /> aircraft during the project. <br /> • <br /> • Walter Hirt said that he felt the requirement to sign agreements to receive the home <br /> insulation, plus the disclosure of the rules and restrictions attached to the insulation <br /> program, were unfair. <br /> • Christine Geiser expressed concern that other communities (i.e. those near Moffett <br /> Field) were being given greater consideration for noise impacts by RAPC than San <br /> Leandro residents suffering from Oakland Airport noise. She also stated that she had <br /> never received answers to questions posed at the community meeting in September. <br /> Port staff will mail her the answers that were prepared after that meeting. <br /> • John Manuel said he believes people in the West San Leandro area are victims of <br /> airport noise issues. He has seen it get worse in the 2 years he has lived there and <br /> hopes something can be done to curb noise and air pollution in the future. <br /> COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br /> S • Committee Member Santos spoke regarding recent news articles he's see on high- <br /> speed rail and the capitol corridor Amtrak route. He believes studies of these <br />