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Appeal of the BZA Approval of PLN2011-00014 July 18, 2011 <br />3 <br />The proposed use conforms to the General Plan, which encourages alterations and additions to be <br />designed in a manner that respects the privacy of nearby homes and preserves access to sunlight. <br />The proposal complies with the Zoning Code Daylight Plane requirement, has a maximum roof <br />height of 21 feet, five inches (where 30 feet is allowed) and shall install second -story windows <br />on the west elevation that are either raised or opaque so as to prevent viewing into the adjacent <br />neighbor's side yard, per condition of approval set by the ZEO. The proposal also conforms to <br />the General Plan requirement that additions be compatible with existing homes, in this case <br />achieved with the use of the same stucco finish and composition shingle -roof materials on the <br />existing home, which are also consistent with other residences in the immediate neighborhood. <br />(General Plan Policies 2.05 and 2.08) <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />The proposal for the two-story addition to the existing single-family home complies with all the <br />development requirements for the RS Residential Single -Family District, and no variances or <br />special permits are required. <br />Environmental Review <br />This item has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />and has been determined to be categorically exempt within the provisions of CEQA Guidelines, <br />Article 19, Section 15301(e). <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />The Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA), on a vote of 5 ayes, 1 no, and 1 abstention, affirmed the <br />Zoning Enforcement Official's (ZEO) decision approving the Minor Site Plan Review (PLN2011- <br />00012) on June 2, 2011. <br />In affirming the ZEO's decision, the BZA supported the ZEO's determination that the proposal met <br />the development standards for the RS District — such as maintaining the required yard setbacks from <br />property lines and structures, compliance with Day Light Plane requirements, lot coverage of 34 <br />percent where 50 percent is the maximum permitted, and a maximum roof height of 21 feet five <br />inches where 30 feet is permitted — and the ZEO's findings that the proposed project is in substantial <br />compliance with the four (4) Residential Site Plan Review criteria established in Zoning Code <br />Section 2-580.H.1-4: <br />Section 2-580 H.1 provides that the addition shall not have the "appearance" of being <br />tacked -on and further that the structure have "adequate articulation, with appropriate <br />window placement, architectural detailing, roof forms" and "the addition should be <br />consistent with the existing residence in terms of design and use of materials". As <br />proposed, the architecture of the addition is consistent with the Spanish Colonial <br />Bungalow style of the existing dwelling, which places an emphasis on overall building <br />simplicity, including smoother wall surfaces and a low-pitched roof. The pitch and style <br />