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that end, the City Council directed staff to prepare and implement policies and procedures to <br />legally create a program that would reimburse rate payers affected by this particular City <br />sewerage system activity. <br />The City would like to change the purpose of previously approved rated towards the <br />reimbursement of costs to reconnect private sewer laterals to City maintained sanitary sewers <br />when the City finds it is in the interest of public health and safety to relocate City sewerage <br />systems (primarily City sewer main lines). Staff believes that a program could be fully funded <br />by the previously approved rate increases, such that no rate increase is necessary or anticipated. <br />In an abundance of caution, the City Council determined that before such a program is created <br />the City should comply with the procedural requirements of Prop. 218. In accordance with the <br />procedures in Prop. 218, the City will do the following: <br />1. Identify the parcels upon which the previously approved rate increases applied. <br />2. Provide written notice by mail of the proposed change to the record owner of each <br />identified parcel upon which the rate repurpose is proposed for imposition. <br />3. Insure that the notice provides the reason for the repurposing of the previously approved <br />rate increases; and the date, time and location of the public hearing where affected rate <br />payers may submit their protest to the proposal. <br />The City must conduct a public hearing on the proposed rate repurpose at least 45 days after <br />mailing the notice described above. The date of the hearing is November 21, 2011. The hearing <br />will be conducted in the following manner: (1) at the public hearing, the City must consider all <br />written protests against the rate repurpose; and (2) if a written protest against the proposed rate <br />repurpose is presented by a majority of owners of the identified parcels, the City may not create a <br />fund to deposit previously approved rate increases towards the new purpose. This requires a <br />majority of all affected property owners to protest the fee under the traditional "silence equals <br />consent rule." Only one protest per parcel may be counted in determining whether a majority <br />protest exists. <br />DISCUSSION <br />To determine the sewer rate impact from the proposed sewer lateral connection policy, staff <br />input fresh data into the current rate model. The five year rate schedule adopted by the City <br />Council last year was based on assumptions about the cost and financing of the wastewater <br />treatment plant rehabilitation project. For this rate model run, staff was able to enter in actual <br />project bid amounts and financing rates. Both the actual project bid amount and financing rates <br />were lower than the assumed numbers. As a result, there is capacity for the Water Pollution <br />Control Fund to absorb the potential costs for reimbursing property owners for reconstructing <br />private sewer laterals when the City requires reconnection to a new main line. <br />The resolution presented for City Council approval authorizes staff to mail the required notice of <br />the proposed change in purpose of previously approved sewer and wastewater treatment rate <br />1 The City Council previously approved rate increases in 2010 for sewer /wastewater treatment services to fund <br />continued maintenance and operations, as well as seismic repairs and comprehensive modernization of the <br />wastewater treatment facility. <br />