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File Number: 11 -303 <br />A local business owner approached staff requesting upgraded, artistic bicycle racks in front <br />of his business. These artistic bicycle racks are more costly, so staff drafted a City -wide <br />Bicycle Rack Program to allow property owners to install upgraded bicycle racks in the public <br />right -of -way at the business owner's expense. This proposal was reviewed and supported <br />by members of the Facilities and Transportation Committee during its May 10, 2011 meeting. <br />Analysis <br />The City of San Leandro recognizes that the installation of bicycle parking racks improves <br />San Leandro's transportation infrastructure and enhances San Leandro's image as a livable <br />innovative city. In particular, the installation of bicycle racks on city streets furthers the <br />following goals: <br />• To provide needed parking for the increasing number of people who choose bicycling <br />as a transportation option <br />• To enhance San Leandro's image as a people- and bicycle - friendly city; a community <br />that regards bicycles as a permanent and important part of the city's transportation <br />infrastructure <br />• To encourage more people to choose cycling as a transportation option <br />• To create a new symbol for our city's livability that will gain positive attention locally <br />and regionally. <br />Highlights of the Bicycle Rack Program: <br />1. Bicycle Rack Design and Plan Criteria <br />• Bicycle racks shall be installed on a sidewalk that has a minimum 10 -foot width <br />• Bicycle racks shall not be installed within 3.5 feet of the face of a curb <br />• Bicycle racks shall be at least 4 feet away from trees, meters, benches and other <br />obstructions <br />• Bicycle racks shall be located within 50 feet of a main entrance <br />• An aisle at least 5 feet wide behind all bicycle racks shall be maintained <br />• Bicycle racks shall have a stable frame <br />• Bicycles shall be lockable at bicycle racks <br />• Bicycle racks shall not cover water mains or utility vaults <br />• Bicycle racks shall not create a tripping hazard <br />• Bicycle racks are child proof - not a potential hazard <br />2. Standard Inverted U- shaped Bicycle Racks installed by City <br />• City evaluates and installs bicycle racks in the public right -of -way on a first -come, first - <br />served basis <br />• Requires approval from the property owner if the request is from a third party <br />• City owns and maintains bicycle racks <br />• City may remove or relocate any installed bicycle rack if it is not being kept within the <br />Bicycle Rack Design and Plan Criteria <br />3. Upgraded, Artistic Bicycle Racks installed by property owner <br />• Property owner obtains an encroachment permit to install bicycle racks <br />• City reviews and approves plans for fabrication and installation <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 11/15/2011 <br />