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Attachment 1 DRAFT <br />ORDINANCE 2012 - <br />AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE USE OF CARRYOUT BAGS AND <br />PROMOTE THE USE OF REUSABLE BAGS <br />The Board of the Alameda County Waste Management Authority ( "Authority ") ordains <br />as follows: <br />SECTION 1 (Enactment) <br />The Board of the Authority does hereby enact this Ordinance in full consisting of Section <br />1 through Section 11. <br />SECTION 2 (Findings) <br />(a) The purpose of this Ordinance is to reduce the use of single use carryout bags and <br />promote the use of reusable bags at the point of sale in Alameda County. <br />(b) The Authority has the power to enact this Ordinance pursuant to the Joint <br />Exercise of Powers Agreement for Waste Management ( "JPA "). The JPA grants <br />the Authority the power, duty, and responsibility to prepare, adopt, revise, amend, <br />administer, enforce and implement the County Integrated Waste Management <br />Plan ( "CoIWMP "), and pursuant to Section 5.m of the CoIWMP, the power to <br />adopt ordinances necessary to carry out the purposes of the JPA. <br />(c) Reducing single use bag use is reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of <br />the JPA and implement the CoIWMP, including the following goals and policies. <br />(d) Goal 1 of the CoIWMP is to promote environmental quality, ensure protection of <br />,,aw public health and safety, and to minimi environmental impacts in all aspects <br />of solid waste management. Policy 1.4.1 includes reduction of hard to recycle <br />materials. <br />(e) Goal 2 of the CoIWMP calls on the Authority and its member agencies to <br />"achieve maximum feasible waste reduction" and to "reduce the amount of waste <br />disposed at landfills through improved management and conservation of <br />resources." <br />(f) Policy 2. 1.1 adopts a waste management hierarchy that ranks management of <br />waste through source reduction and then recycling and composting above landfill <br />disposal. <br />(g) Goal 7 of the CoIMWP is to "Promote Inter jurisdictional Cooperation." Policy <br />7.1.3 states that the Authority shall coordinate with other organizations as needed <br />to fulfill its countywide role including coordinating on related issues such as <br />water and litter. Objective 7.8 states that the Authority will coordinate and <br />facilitate program implementation by individual or subregional groupings of <br />