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City Council Meeting Agenda February 6, 2012 <br />11 -452 ADOPT: Resolution Awarding Construction Contract to AMLAND CORP for Bancroft <br />Avenue and 136th Avenue Traffic Signal Project, Project No. 11- 150 -38 -330; State Project <br />No. SR2SL- 5041(038) <br />9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by <br />the Mayor. <br />10. ACTION ITEMS <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by <br />the Mayor. When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and <br />submit it to the City Clerk, prior to the calling of the Action Item. <br />10.A. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken <br />11. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR <br />City Councilmembers announce calendar of upcoming events and coordinate attendance. <br />12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS <br />City Councilmembers report on meetings and other local events attended since the last <br />meeting; report on attendance at conferences and seminars; and make brief comments on <br />issues of concern. <br />13. ADJOURN <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 113112012 <br />