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Temporary Sales Tax Measure, November 2010 4 July 19, 2010 <br />Further reductions effective July 1, 2011 due to one -time funding: <br />• Closure of small library branches <br />• Further reductions at Manor Branch Library <br />• Possible closure of Boys and Girls Club Pool <br />• Elimination of most recreation programs, except essential youth and senior programs <br />• Potential continuation of employee furloughs or alternative reductions; (Fire employees <br />have negotiated concessions which are anticipated to lower fire services contract costs in <br />future years.) <br />Critical service impacts of these reductions include: reduced neighborhood police patrols; <br />reduced ability to investigate crimes and conduct gang suppression activities; increased 9 -1 -1 <br />emergency and fire response times; reduced program/activities that keep children focused on <br />learning and out of trouble; reduced library programs for children, adults and families; less <br />ability of the City to be a good partner to schools; reduced pothole repairs and street <br />maintenance. <br />Financial Projections <br />Staff recommends that the quarter cent sales tax measure be authorized for seven years, which is <br />consistent with what the poll results demonstrated the public would support. This allows <br />sufficient time for the economy to recover, new potential sources of revenue such as the retail <br />component of the Kaiser development to come to fruition, and for the City to begin to rebuild its <br />reserves. Staff prepared a seven -year economic projection with the quarter cent sales tax <br />revenue which is reflected on Attachment 1. <br />If the quarter cent sales tax measure fails, the general fund must be balanced through significant <br />additional cuts outlined above and reflected in Attachment 1. It assumes slight revenue growth <br />over the seven year period but no restoration of services. If the quarter cent sales tax measure <br />passes, the general fund operating budget will have a positive balance (operating revenues <br />exceed operating expenditures) and this is reflected on Attachment 1. Staff recommends a goal <br />of setting aside up to 25% of the quarter cent sales tax revenues to partially restore reserves <br />beginning in 2011 -12. Staff further recommends no additional staff reductions and the FTEs <br />partially funded in 2010 -11 be reinstated. <br />Council Follow Up <br />• Sunset Clause: Staff recommends a seven year term for the quarter cent sales tax. This is <br />primarily based on the results of the August 2009 voter poll which showed strong support <br />for seven years. As demonstrated by the economic projection, a seven year term provides <br />for only a modest rebuilding of services and reserves and provides the City needed time <br />to withstand continued instability in the economy. A shorter duration of three or five <br />years leaves the City in a precarious financial condition with reduced reserves and <br />services. The seven year sunset achieves the Council's priority of fiscal stability. <br />