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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 20II <br />Agenda No. II -I2 Page 6 of 9 <br />Assembly Uses in Commercial Districts, Commissioner Dlugosh said that he agrees with staffs <br />recommendations. <br />Commissioner Crow thanked Commissioner Dlugosh for pointing out that the proposal would <br />not only restrict movement into industrial areas, but also restrict current property owners' options. <br />He said he isn't sure that such restrictions would make sense in any economy, particularly in an <br />infill community such as San Leandro, which doesn't have room for adding a lot of buildings. He <br />said that he doesn't have a problem with having Assembly Uses conditionally permitted in <br />Commercial Districts NA -2, SA -2 and DA -5, stating that it would enhance the community, <br />provide further opportunity for crime deterrence and community involvement. <br />Commissioner Crow said he also agrees with Commissioner Dlugosh that the Industrial District <br />proposals, which would institutionally restrict uses of their buildings, would create an uproar <br />among warehouse property owners if they understood what was going on. Commissioner Crow <br />also said that Chair Collier made a good point about CUPS enabling the City to retain control over <br />what Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities might be approved in industrial areas. <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons said that staffs motivation in preparing the proposals is not an issue. <br />hi either case, he stated, it shouldn't affect the Commission's deliberations, which should be based <br />only on the merits of the proposals. He said that during public hearings, he likes to wait until after <br />the public has had an opportunity to speak to offer his own comments, and tonight, some of the <br />things Mr. Johnson said made a lot of sense to him. hl particular, Commissioner Fitzsimons said, <br />we must look forward, so it doesn't make sense to base a decision on current economic <br />conditions. Our scope should be five, 10, 20 or 40 years out, he said. Commissioner Fitzsimons <br />also stated that Commissioner Dlugosh was on target when he said that recommending the <br />proposed changes to the City Council would limit options. He also pointed out that it isn't <br />necessary to fix something that isn't broken, particularly since the issue doesn't seem to be one of <br />high risk that imminently presents potentially dramatic problems. <br />In response to a procedural question Commissioner Fitzsimons posed, Assistant City Attorney <br />Pio Roda said that the Commission could forward a "no recommendation" option to the City <br />Council as well as a positive or negative recommendation. <br />Vice Chair Abero said it's important to remember that Assembly Use isn't confined to churches, <br />but could include, for instance, facilities such as union halls. She reminded fellow Commissioners <br />to think about the broader application in the context of East 14th Street. As for removing the <br />proposed conditionally permitted uses from the Industrial Districts, she said that she's spoken <br />with many business owners who share Commissioner Dlugosh's concerns, and isn't inclined to <br />place even more limits on their options to find buyers and /or tenants for their properties. <br />Vice Chair Abero indicated, too, that recreational facilities are the wave of the future, while <br />heavy industry and manufacturing are no longer prominent parts of the San Leandro scene. <br />Although this does not rule out manufacturing in the future, she added, we must be aware of the <br />direction in which the economy is moving. <br />[Note: Commissioner Crow made a motion to allow Assembly Uses and Cultural Institutions as <br />conditionally permitted uses in the Commercial Districts as recommended by staff. Commissioner <br />Dlugosh seconded. However, Commissioner Crow withdrew and restated his motion after some <br />further discussion.] <br />hl response to Commissioner Crow's request for further clarification, Senior Planner Livermore <br />read verbatim the definition of Assembly Uses in Article 3 of the Zoning Code. hi response, Vice <br />Chair Abero said she finds nothing wrong with any of the Assembly Uses described, but at a <br />time when the City wants to develop the East 14th Street corridor to draw more people into the <br />community and to make the downtown more pedestrian - friendly, she questions whether these <br />