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File Number: 12 -056 <br />entertainment uses in a diversity of other zoning districts and properties. <br />Because these changes are less restrictive than what staff had originally recommended, this <br />issue was agendized for the Planning Commission special January meeting without additional <br />public notice. Also, there would be no change in the findings of the Initial Study and Negative <br />Declaration. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />• City Council Business and Housing Development Committee was provided a brief <br />presentation on September 8, 2011. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />• Goal 7: Continue to develop a strong and healthy industrial and office employment base in <br />the community. <br />• Policy 7.03: TECH - SECTOR RECRUITMENT: Attract and retain technology ( "high tech ") <br />companies by improving technology infrastructure, targeting such companies through <br />marketing, supporting incubator and start up firms, and maintaining development <br />regulations which facilitate the adaptive reuse of older industrial buildings. <br />Policy 10.04: INDUSTRIAL SANCTUARY: Protect the City's major industrial areas from <br />encroachment by uses that are potentially incompatible with existing viable industrial <br />activities, or which may inhibit the ability of industry to operate effectively. <br />Environmental Review <br />A Negative Declaration was prepared for these Zoning Code Amendments. A "Notice of <br />Public Review and Intent to Adopt a Proposed Negative Declaration" was prepared on <br />October 28, 2011. The 20 -day public review period for the Initial Study and Negative <br />Declaration began on October 28 and concluded on November 16, 2011. No comments on <br />the Initial Study and Negative Declaration were received. <br />Board /Commission Review and Actions <br />Because the Board of Zoning Adjustments decides matters related to Zoning Code <br />regulations, these updates were presented to the Board of Zoning Adjustments on November <br />3, 2011. The Board members agreed with the proposed changes to the Commercial Districts. <br />Some Board members were concerned about the proposed changes to the Industrial Districts. <br />They felt that flexibility of land use in industrial districts was warranted in these economic <br />times, citing examples of City Beach and the Saddle Rack in the City of Fremont. (City Beach <br />is a multi -use commercial recreation facility and Saddle Rack is a country western bar.) <br />Concepts raised in San Leandro by Design were also discussed. <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 15, 2011. A Special Planning <br />Commission meeting was held on January 26, 2011 to elicit Planning Commission input on <br />the revised approach. <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 211512012 <br />