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Alameda CTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program Implementation Guidelines <br />1) List of projects on which to specifically spend Measure B funds <br />2) Local Bicycle and /or Pedestrian Master Plan with priority projects <br />3) Capital Improvement Program <br />4) A resolution, such as to submit a grant application <br />Furthermore, the jurisdiction must submit to Alameda CTC the list of <br />projects /programs on which the jurisdiction will spend Measure B pass - <br />through funding in advance of expending the funds. The jurisdiction must <br />submit projects and programs to the Alameda CTC through the annual end - <br />of -year compliance report for Measure B funds. <br />2. Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant Funds <br />a. The Alameda CTC will administer a bicycle and pedestrian discretionary <br />grant program using a portion of each of the Measure B and the VRF <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety funds. The Alameda CTC will adopt Grant <br />Program Guidelines before each grant cycle that will establish the guiding <br />policies for that grant cycle, and will widely publicize each grant funding <br />cycle. <br />b. Local jurisdictions, transit operators and Community Based Organizations <br />(CBO) in Alameda County may be eligible to apply for these competitive <br />funds, and each such jurisdiction, operator, or CBO must provide the <br />Alameda CTC written evidence of the commitment of any required project <br />sponsor funds to be eligible to receive these competitive funds. <br />Section 6. Complete Streets Policy Requirement <br />A. To receive Measure B and VRF funds, local jurisdictions must do both of the following <br />with respect to Complete Street policies: <br />Have an adopted complete streets policy, or demonstrate that a policy is being <br />developed and will be adopted by June 30, 2013. This policy should include the <br />"Elements of an Ideal Complete Streets Policy" developed by the National <br />Complete Streets Coalition ( http: / / /webdocs /policy /cs- <br />policyelements.pdf Resources will be developed by the Alameda CTC to assist <br />local jurisdictions with developing and implementing complete streets policies. <br />2. Comply with the California Complete Streets Act of 2008. The California <br />Complete Streets Act (AB1358) requires that local general plans do the following: <br />a. Commencing January 1, 2011, upon any substantial revision of the <br />circulation element, the legislative body shall modify the circulation <br />element to plan for a balanced, multimodal transportation network that <br />meets the needs of all users of the streets, roads, and highways for safe and <br />convenient travel in a manner that is suitable to the rural, suburban, or urban <br />context of the general plan. <br />