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City Strategic Goals: The strategic goals that provide the high -level goals and <br /> objectives for the City. <br /> Departmental Performance Objectives: The performance objectives of <br /> departments are aligned with the City Strategic Plan. Increased utilization of <br /> information technology -based solutions to modify, improve, or totally <br /> revolutionize services is a dominant theme in nearly all - departmental <br /> performance objectives. Therefore, most objectives contain goals with <br /> significant information technology budget components. <br /> Flux Consulting proposes the following phases in crafting an Information <br /> Technology Strategic Plan for the City of San Leandro: <br /> 1. Identify a vision and set goals for the future (align vision with City <br /> Strategic Plan) <br /> 2. Identify success requirements <br /> 3. Develop a cooperative information technology governance structure to <br /> determine /promote Citywide policies and projects <br /> 4. Identify current City information technology initiatives (capital projects) <br /> 5. Craft City Information Technology Strategic Plan and propose <br /> recommendations to address specific City information technology issues <br /> 6. Optional - Identify opportunities to re- engineer intemal business process <br /> and workflows <br /> The process to be used in developing the plan will include the following <br /> activities: <br /> • Collect inventory information about the County's current technical <br /> environment <br /> • Conduct interviews with City officials, department heads, managers and staff <br /> 8 <br /> San Leandro IT Strategic Plan Proposal Flux Consulting <br /> Exhibit A -1, Page 10 of 17 <br />