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O� 5NN �F9 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />t ° Department of Development Services <br />PRRflSEO NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />Notice is hereby given that the City of San Leandro finds that no significant effect on the <br />environment as prescribed by the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended will <br />occur for the following proposed project: <br />I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />A transportation improvement project funded by Measure B monies from Alameda <br />County Transportation Commission (ACTC) that includes: <br />1) Acquisition of center triangle- shaped parcel (APN 077D- 1499 -001). Demolition of <br />existing building. Remediation of contaminated underground soil in accordance with <br />approved remedial action plan. The remediated site will be developed as a multi- modal- <br />oriented landscaping. <br />2) Acquisition of approximately 300 square feet of right -of -way on the east side of <br />Bancroft Avenue (APN 077E - 1606 - 006 -03). Minor adjustment to landscaping area and <br />parking lot striping will be constructed. <br />3) Acquisition of approximately 1,100, 1,700 and 2,900 square -feet of right -of -way from <br />the west side of East 14th Street (APN 077D- 1475- 026 -04, 077D- 1475- 026 -05, and <br />077D- 1475- 025 -12, respectively). The existing parking lot serving these parcels will be <br />reconfigured by relocating a 60' in height sign structure, restriping the parking lot, closing <br />a commercial driveway, signalizing an existing driveway on Hesperian Boulevard, and <br />reconstructing landscape areas as well as curbs and gutters. <br />4) Addition of traffic channelization improvements on East 14th Street, north of <br />Hesperian Boulevard, including concrete medians, and left -turn pocket on northbound <br />East 14th Street for accessing properties described in #3 above. <br />5) Installation of concrete medians in the blocks between Hesperian Boulevard and 150th <br />Avenue on East 14th Street, and between East 14th Street and 150th Avenue on <br />Hesperian Boulevard. <br />6) Updating of the existing traffic signal equipment at all three intersections. <br />These improvements will improve the overall intersection level -of- service and pedestrian <br />safety by allowing for the following improvements: <br />A) Addition of an additional left -turn lane on southbound E. 14th Street at 150th Avenue <br />by widening roadway. This extra pavement width will be obtained by relocating existing <br />sidewalk on the center triangle- shaped parcel. <br />B) Addition of an additional left -turn on eastbound Hesperian Boulevard at East 14 <br />Street by eliminating an existing westbound through land. <br />C) Installation of a pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Hesperian Boulevard and <br />150 Avenue. <br />Triangle Negative Declaration December 2011 <br />