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2A Work Session 2012 0409
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Packet 2012 0409
2A Work Session 2012 0409
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 12 -160 <br />housing developer, BRIDGE Housing Corporation ( "BRIDGE "), proposed the San Leandro <br />Crossings Masterplan, a multi - phased, mixed use, transit oriented development called San <br />Leandro Crossings ( "Crossings ") located near downtown and the San Leandro Bay Area <br />Rapid Transit (BART) Station. Westlake is a private developer and owner of land parcels <br />west of the San Leandro BART Station on which the Crossings project is to occur. <br />Under the Crossings Masterplan, there were 700 total residential units planned all together of <br />which 300 residential units were to be built under Phase 1. In Phase 1, BRIDGE proposed to <br />develop a 100 unit affordable multifamily rental housing development called the Alameda at <br />San Leandro Crossings on a vacant lot owned by Westlake west of the BART Station. <br />Westlake proposed to develop an additional 200 market rate rental units called the <br />Cornerstone at San Leandro Crossings on a separate site, which is currently a BART parking <br />lot, across the street and east of the BART station. The final component of Phase 1 was for <br />Westlake to build a BART parking garage to replace the BART east parking lot spaces (329 <br />spaces) lost due to an eventual land swap between BART and Westlake. By working with <br />BRIDGE, Westlake would also comply with the majority of its affordable housing production <br />obligations under the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. <br />In early 2008, Westlake, BRIDGE, the City, and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San <br />Leandro (RDA) jointly applied for funding under two State grant programs (Transit- Oriented <br />Development Grant and Infill Infrastructure Grant Programs), administered by the State <br />Housing and Community Development Department (HCD). These two grant programs were <br />funded through Proposition 1C bond proceeds. The City, RDA, Westlake and BRIDGE were <br />awarded approximately $24.5 million in grant funding from State HCD in Summer 2008 for <br />infrastructure improvements related to the Alameda and BART replacement garage. The RDA <br />then approved a $9.1 million Housing Set -Aside loan to BRIDGE for the Alameda in April <br />2009. Both the Alameda and Cornerstone projects received their planning entitlements from <br />the City in 2009. BRIDGE was also awarded federal low income housing tax credits for the <br />Alameda in late 2009 by the State. <br />In Spring 2010, Westlake, BRIDGE, the City and RDA mutually decided to delay moving <br />forward with the Crossings due to the worsening economy, challenging requirements for the <br />two new State HCD grant programs, and inflexible State funding deadlines. BRIDGE returned <br />its State tax credit award shortly thereafter. As the economic slowdown around the State <br />continued, the State realized that grantee cities such as San Leandro were unable to proceed <br />with their TOD development projects as quickly as planned and extended the deadline until <br />June 30, 2012 for Proposition 1C grant recipients to submit executed funding agreements to <br />State HCD. State HCD is requiring the Crossings develop a minimum of 200 residential units <br />in order to retain the Proposition 1 C funds awarded to it. <br />In 2011, Westlake and BRIDGE began discussions with OSlsoft, an innovative high <br />technology company that develops real time data software for manufacturers around the <br />world. OSlsoft is headquartered at 777 Davis Street in San Leandro adjacent to and north of <br />Westlake's property next to the San Leandro BART Station. OSlsoft is also the founder of Lit <br />San Leandro, a public - private partnership to stimulate economic development and businesses <br />in San Leandro through an 11 mile fiber optic loop in San Leandro which OSlsoft is privately <br />financing. OSlsoft is growing rapidly as a company and has been working with Westlake and <br />BRIDGE in recent months to develop a technology campus on Westlake's property west of <br />the BART Station. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 41312012 <br />
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