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Page 2 <br />C. Construction <br />1. Construction Schedule — 180 calendar days after issuance of NTP (July 2, 2011) for <br />completion of construction and all paperwork. Holidays listed on page 61 and 62. <br />2. Warehouse - Contractor to store materials in a warehouse located within 10 miles of the <br />project site. <br />3. Working Hours — Working day activities shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 am <br />and 6:00 pm (page 61, volume 1) <br />4. Contractor to provide in writing proof that employees have undergone installation <br />instruction by each window supplier. <br />5. Scheduling with Homeowner — CKSA will schedule contractor measurement <br />verifications, construction, punch work, substantial and final inspections, pre and post air <br />balance and post construction noise monitoring. <br />6. Lead Pamphlets — Handed out during measurement verifications. Homeowner's sign off. <br />7. Construction - No house can be started unless all windows and doors are accepted by <br />architect and acoustical engineer and materials are stored in the warehouse for that house. <br />8. Liquidated Damages - $250 per day for each and every calendar day's delay in <br />completing work in excess of the number of working days allowed for contract; and $250 <br />per calendar day for performing unauthorized work as specified <br />9. Contract—Time — 9 consecutive day limit on each house (considered substantially <br />complete); a time limit of 5 calendar days for correction of punch list items on each house <br />(final completion). House open total of 14 calendar days, excluding holidays. <br />10. Payment Requests — submitted monthly; submitted on or before the I" day of each <br />month, 5 copies of a request for payment for the cost of the work put in place during the <br />period from the first day of the previous month to the last day of the previous month. <br />Progress Payments based upon Schedule of Values prices. <br />11. Mobilization - 5% of Original Contract Bid Amount or 50% of the contract item price for <br />mobilization, whichever is lesser. <br />12. Stored Materials - 50% of Confirmed Delivery of materials fabricated for the project <br />located in the Contractor's warehouse; Payment shall be accompanied by a bill of sale. <br />13. Retainage - 10%; substantial inspection is 80%; final inspection is 90% <br />14. Certified Payroll - Each contractor and subcontractor to keep accurate payroll records; <br />submitted on weekly basis. <br />15. Project Meetings -- Weekly construction meetings <br />16. Inspections — Contractor shall not call for any inspections until he is absolutely certain <br />that all work is done in accordance with all requirements of the contract documents. <br />Contractor shall arrange inspections required by the Building and Safety Services <br />Division. <br />Reinspections — a reinspection fee may be assessed for each reinspection, refer to Section <br />2 of Special Provisions <br />17. Close-out Requirements --- As Builts, Final Certified Payroll, Warranty Binder for each <br />house, Final Pay Application, Maintenance Bond <br />18. Warranty and Maintenance Requirements — Contractor's workmanship warranted one (1) <br />year from date that Notice of Completion recorded by Alameda County Recorder's <br />Office. <br />