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Ord 2012-005
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2012-005
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7/20/2012 5:23:32 PM
Creation date
5/10/2012 3:01:44 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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8C Consent 2012 0507
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2012\Packet 2012 0507
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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />4 -1912 Completion, Maintenance and Subsequent Changes <br />A. Completion of Landscape Installation Prior to the issuance of either a <br />Certificate of Occupancy or Approval of the Final Inspection, all required <br />landscaping and irrigation shall be installed per the approved plans, with <br />respect to size, number, and species of plants, and provision of adequate <br />irrigation coverage. In cases of substantial documented hardship and <br />subject to the approval of the Zoning Enforcement Official, a Certificate of <br />Occupancy may be issued prior to the complete installation of the <br />landscaping subject to the applicant /owner's posting of a certificate of <br />deposit, performance bond, or other acceptable security. <br />B. Ability to Assure Establishment of Landscaping For projects with significant <br />new landscaping, or where the installation of such landscaping was a project <br />specific condition intended to mitigate a project's impact, the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official may require either or both of the following to assure <br />plant establishment: <br />1. Posting of a performance bond or certificate of deposit, to cover a two <br />(2) year period. Such bonds shall typically cover the cost of replacing <br />all applicable plant material, but may exclude material and labor costs <br />relating to irrigation; or <br />2. Providing evidence of a minimum two (2) year maintenance contract <br />with a licensed landscape contractor. <br />C. Irrigation Scheduling For the efficient use of water, all irrigation schedules <br />shall be developed, managed, and evaluated to utilize the minimum <br />amount of water required to maintain plant health. Irrigation schedules <br />shall meet the following criteria: <br />1. Irrigation scheduling shall be regulated by automatic irrigation <br />controllers. <br />2. Overhead irrigation shall be scheduled between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 <br />a.m. unless weather conditions prevent it. If allowable hours of <br />irrigation differ from the local water purveyor, the stricter of the two <br />shall apply. Operation of the irrigation system outside the normal <br />watering window is allowed for auditing and system maintenance. <br />3. For implementation of the irrigation schedule, particular attention must <br />be paid to irrigation run times, emission device, flow rate, and current <br />reference evapotranspiration, so that applied water meets the <br />Estimated Total Water Use. Total annual applied water shall be less <br />than or equal to Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA). Actual <br />irrigation schedules shall be regulated by automatic irrigation <br />AR.19 <br />Page 17 of 20 <br />
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