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2A Work Session 2012 0709
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2012 0709
2A Work Session 2012 0709
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7/6/2012 6:08:48 PM
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7/6/2012 1:44:38 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />reduces the opportunity for safer pedestrian crossing locations on East 14 Street and <br />protected left turns for traffic safety. <br />Turn restriction are reduced for this option. Left turns onto East 14 Street would be <br />allowed at all currently allowed locations. Left turn restrictions from East 14 Street <br />onto side streets are reduced to eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard and westbound <br />Farrelly Drive. These turn restriction are significantly reduced from the previous Option <br />1 and therefore would reduce diverted traffic to the adjoining side streets to just the <br />specific streets that would support eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard and westbound <br />Farrelly Drive traffic. AC Transit has indicated that it is possible that left turns from East <br />14 Street to eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard could be allowed; however either BRT <br />operations efficiency would be reduced or the intersections level of service would <br />decline dependent upon on how it was accomplished. A condition of approval requiring <br />accommodation of southbound East 14 Street left turn to eastbound Broadmoor <br />Boulevard could be included with this LPA option. <br />Resolution Options <br />While Options 1 & 2, though with shortcomings, are both viable and are adequately <br />covered by the environmental document, Option 3 may not serve the long term interest <br />of the City of San Leandro. Forwarding Option 3 as a LPA would essentially <br />immediately exclude San Leandro from participating in the project in the short term and <br />perhaps remove any flexibility for participation in the long term. If the City proceeded <br />with Option 3, San Leandro would not benefit from the improvements at bus stations <br />and the potential goodwill from being associated with such a groundbreaking project. <br />Many cities around the world suggest that having a BRT may be an effective economic <br />development tool that attracts many forward looking businesses. <br />It is recommended that either Option 1 or 2 be selected. These options maintain the <br />City's participation in the BRT project and the intangible benefits of a project that is <br />considered an important component for a Downtown Transit Oriented Development. It <br />installs a framework for future expansion of BRT making the East 14 Street Priority <br />Development Area viable with excellent transit options. <br />Additionally conditions should be included with the City's forwarded LPA that require the <br />following: <br />AC Transit to offer a continuous service on East 14 Street that allows riders to <br />travel between the northern and southern San Leandro borders without a need to <br />transfer buses. <br />AC Transit to explore and implement ideas that create a "Complete Transit <br />Experience" for San Leandro citizens that include a more encompassing and <br />frequent east -west service that allows transit users to reach locations such as <br />BART, BRT, shopping and work centers more conveniently and timely. <br />
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