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San Leandro Commercial Broadband Strategy <br />2.4. Online survey <br />The City of San Leandro posted an online survey (see Appendix A) regarding <br />commercial broadband availability and satisfaction, and encouraged local businesses to <br />participate. Businesses were informed of the survey via press releases and email <br />notifications by the City and the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce. A total of 44 <br />responses were received, most (40) in July of 2011, with the remainder posted between <br />August 2011 and January 2012. <br />Table 2.1 Online survey responses <br />Question 5 point scale response <br />How satisfied are you with the speed of your 2.8 <br />current broadband service? <br />How satisfied are you with the reliability of your 3.3 <br />current service? <br />How satisfied are you with the value you are 2.7 <br />currently receiving? <br />How satisfied are you with the range of 2.2 <br />broadband options available at your location? <br />How important is broadband availability to your 4.6 <br />business operations? <br />1 = not satisfied at all, 5 = extremely satisfied <br />Table 2.2 Online survey responses <br />What improvements would you most like to see in broadband <br />availability for your business? <br />Improved Reliability 19% <br />Improved Speed 38% <br />Lower Cost 24% <br />More choices of service providers 19% <br />Respondents were not generally pleased with the range of broadband options available <br />to them at their business locations, with better speed being the most desired <br />improvement. Availability of broadband was generally seen as "absolutely crucial" to <br />businesses. Although respondents were not required to provide their address, most did <br />and this information was used to help identify priority areas. The majority of <br />16 July 2012 Tellus Venture Associates Page 7 <br />