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Page 3 of 21 <br />Alameda CTC Paratransit Program Plan Application <br />Application Period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 <br /> <br /> City-based Wheelchair Van Service: Wheelchair van service provides accessible, door-to-door <br />trips on a pre-scheduled or same-day basis. These services are generally implemented as a <br />supplement to a taxi program to ensure some availability of accessible vehicles in cities that do <br />not have door-to-door programs or have limited door-to-door programs. <br /> Accessible Fixed-Route Shuttle: Generally accessible vehicles that operate on a fixed route and <br />schedule to serve common trip origins and destinations, e.g. senior centers, medical facilities, <br />grocery stores, BART stations, other transit stations, community centers, commercial districts, <br />and post offices. <br /> Group Trips Program: Round-trip accessible van rides for pre-planned outings or to attend <br />specific events or go to specific destinations for fixed amounts of time, e.g. shopping trips or <br />religious services. Trips usually originate from a senior center or housing facility. <br /> Volunteer Driver Program: Pre-scheduled, door-through-door services that are generally not <br />accessible; rely on volunteers to drive eligible consumers for critical trip needs, such as medical <br />trips. May also have an escort component. <br /> Mobility Management/Travel Training: Covers a wide range of activities, such as travel training, <br />trip planning, and brokerage. Does not include provision of trips. (This is considered "non-trip <br />provision"). <br /> Scholarship/Subsidized Fare Program: Program to subsidize any service for customers who are <br />low-income and can demonstrate financial need. <br /> Meal Delivery: Program to deliver meals to the homes of individuals who are transportation <br />disadvantaged. Currently, only existing operating programs can continue to use Measure B <br />funds for these service costs. No new meal delivery services can be established. <br /> Capital Expenditure: Capital purchase or other capital expenditure. <br />1A. Please provide a short narrative description explaining how the suite of services <br />offered through your program enhance quality of life for seniors and people with <br />disabilities in your community and helps them meet basic life needs. E.g. why have these <br />service types been selected for funding over other potential service types to meet the trip <br />needs of your consumers? (max. 1,300 characters) <br />The San Leandro Paratransit Program has historically consisted of the fixed-route Flex Shuttle and door-to-door Medical <br />Transportation, which has been funded with a Minimum Service Level Grant since 2006. In October 2012 we <br />implemented a CTC-administered pilot taxi voucher program, which we are hoping to continue and expand. <br /> <br />For this program plan application, we are proposing funding for our Flex shuttle service only. The Flex shuttle has <br />continuously proven to be our most widely used, cost effective and successful paratransit service; it serves the highest <br />number of people to the greatest number of destinations. Shuttle service consists of two interconnecting routes that <br />travel on a fixed route to locations where riders can take care of basic life needs: grocery shopping, community centers, <br />library, post office, BART, department stores, health/fitness centers and medical offices. <br /> <br />San Leandro has a wide range of amenities that allow residents to meet most life needs within the city, with the <br />exception of some medical care. The Flex Shuttle goes to San Leandro Hospital and some medical offices. However, riders <br />must travel throughout the county to meet their medical needs at facilities in Oakland, Hayward, Union City and Castro <br />Valley. Between the Flex shuttle, the opening of the San Leandro Kaiser facility in 2014 and the hopeful <br />continuation/expansion of the taxi program, we are hoping to best meet all the transportation needs of our riders by July <br />1, 2014.