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2-7. Computer Model: <br /> The technical analyses will be modeled on a computer to facilitate sensitivity analyses of <br /> the critical variables that affect the level of rates and fees and to conduct future updates <br /> more efficiently. The computer model developed for the July 25, 2001 Study will be used <br /> for this task and will be fully updated to incorporate the results of this study. <br /> 2-8. Report Preparation and Study Presentation: <br /> The results of the study will be documented in a report designed for intense public <br /> scrutiny and will be presented to the City Council and other interested parties. Draft <br /> review will be done via submittal and review of key findings. One unbound copy and <br /> eleven bound copies of a final report that incorporates draft review comments will be <br /> provided. <br /> Schedule for Proposed Studies <br /> It is proposed that draft findings for Tasks 1 and 2 be completed within four months after <br /> City staff has supplied the Consultant with the data needed to prepare the studies. The data <br /> needed by the Consultant is the same as used in the past studies prepared by the Consultant for <br /> the City and will be identified by the Consultant in writing within two weeks upon receipt of <br /> authorization to begin the studies. The Consultant will complete final reports for Tasks 1 and 2 <br /> within one month of receipt of City draft review comments. <br /> Task 3. Industrial a Sewer Rate Sensitivity Analyses <br /> The purpose of this task is to develop and analyze alternative methods of providing lower <br /> wastewater user charges for city industries. This industrial rate relief investigation is to be <br /> conducted in order to address the concerns of local industries regarding the level of wastewater <br /> user charges. Taskl and, to a much lesser degree, Task 2 will form the bases of this task via the <br /> manipulation and expansion of the computer model and database. The only additional data <br /> required from the City will be estimates of capacity rights for each industry, and diameter-inch- <br /> mile data should the City elect to pursue the latter. The elements of work to be performed by the <br /> consultant in accomplishing this task are described in more detail below: <br /> 3-1. identification and Review of Key Variables: <br /> Basic study data which affect the industrial rate burden will be reviewed. These data <br /> include residential and commercial flows and loadings, infiltration/inflow estimates, the <br /> identification and allocation of billing costs, unaccountable flows and loadings, and the <br /> facility cost allocation. <br /> EXHIBIT A Page 4 of 5 <br /> CSA for Craig R.Lawson <br /> June 2002 <br />