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File Number: 13-460 <br />The SR2T grant will provide $400,000 and the Measure B Discretionary grant will provide <br />$346,000 for a total of $746,000 in grant funding. The City will provide $85,000 in Measure B <br />Pass-Thru Bicycle and Pedestrian funds to complete the funding for the revised project cost of <br />approximately $831,000 for the Downtown San Leandro BART Pedestrian and Bicycle Access <br />Project. <br />This action will approve the Resolution of Project Compliance for RM 2 for the Downtown San <br />Leandro BART Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Project . This resolution will: 1) allow the MTC <br />to allocate $40,000 of RM 2 funding for the design and environmental phase of the subject <br />project; 2) assure that the City will comply with the MTC‘s RM 2 policy provisions; 3) approve <br />the Initial Project Report attached to the resolution; and 4) assure the City’s completion of the <br />project. The City will designate $18,000 of Measure B Bicycle-Pedestrian Pass-Thru funds <br />and $34,000 of Measure B Bicycle-Pedestrian Discretionary Grant funds to provide a total of <br />$92,000 for this phase of the work. At the completion of the design phase, the City will submit <br />an updated Resolution of Project Compliance for RM 2 along with a revised Project Report for <br />the construction funds for the project. <br />The Project’s intent is to improve connections between the San Leandro BART Station and <br />the Downtown area through renovations to the east-west pedestrian connection along West <br />Juana Avenue, and provide bicycle parking facilities at the BART station . This project is <br />identified in the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan as a high priority project. <br />The project will provide for the design and construction of sidewalk bulb-outs and enhanced <br />crosswalk treatments along West Juana Avenue at the intersections of Carpentier , Clarke and <br />Hays Streets. West Juana Avenue will be narrowed by four feet and the sidewalk between <br />San Leandro Boulevard and Carpentier Street will be widened. New bicycle lockers, bicycle <br />racks and bicycle shelters will be installed at the San Leandro BART Station . These <br />enhancements will improve the pedestrian experience and usability for those that have <br />difficulty crossing busy streets and provide needed bicycle parking improvements that <br />facilitate using the station. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On June 17, 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-087, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager’s Execution of a Grant Funding Agreement for Funding and Committing <br />Necessary Matching Funds and Stating the Assurance to Complete the West Juana <br />Pedestrian Improvements Project <br />·On April 15, 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-049, the City Council adopted a Resolution <br />Authorizing the City Manager to file an application for OneBayArea Grant Funding through <br />the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the San Leandro Boulevard <br />Reconstruction Project <br />·On February 4, 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-018, the City Council adopted a resolution <br />for a Complete Streets Policy for regional and county funding requirements <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·14.04 Accommodation of Bicycles and Pedestrians <br />·16.03 Street Maintenance <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/2/2013