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PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br /> SUBRECIPIENT SHALL, FOR THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT: use evaluation tools that consist of a client <br /> intake interview entry and exit survey, follow-up with subsequent visit(s) and re-certification, and <br /> documentation of frequency of visits. To track this grant's outcomes, sub-recipient will monitor client's housing <br /> and employment status. The performance measures are: <br /> • <br /> 1. 853 families will be served each month, totaling 10,241 families served within twelve (12) months. <br /> 2. Twenty five percent (25%), or 2,560 families, who accessed the aforementioned services will <br /> demonstrate increased financial or housing stability as indicated on their intake assessment and follow <br /> up at the 4`" and 12th month re-assessment periods. <br /> 3. Twenty five percent (25%), or 2,560 unemployed families, will report a decrease in the risk of <br /> compromising their self-sufficiency by securing employment or job training during the first 6 months <br /> after accessing our services. <br /> 4. Twenty five percent (25%), or 2,560 under-employed families who receive comprehensive support <br /> services, will reduce the risk of losing their jobs by maintaining employment during the first month <br /> following their crisis or use of services. <br /> 5. 96 San Leandro individuals (in family, couples, group, or individual sessions) will receive crisis <br /> intervention and/or short term counseling services and access to eligible family resource center <br /> services. <br /> 6. Seventy-five percent (75%) or 72 San Leandro clients regularly seen will report a reduction in the <br /> severity or frequency of the presenting issue as supported by a decrease of high or at-risk behavior. <br /> • <br /> - 14- <br /> CDBG Agreement with Davis Street FRC—FY13-14 <br />