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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 3, 1995 Page - 5 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> G. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, said no homeowners association is <br /> going to solve the problem because they don't represent all the people. <br /> He said no one in the area where he lives knows anything about this. <br /> He said a simple solution is to write parking tickets, but cars should <br /> not be towed because it's dangerous and expensive. <br /> Mr. Filipovich said the Minutes of the last meeting are missing <br /> information. He said, at the last meeting, he suggested that Council <br /> Member Myers sit in the audience because he was concerned Council <br /> Member Myers would jeopardize other Council Members by having <br /> conversations with them that no one else could hear. <br /> Mr. Filipovich said, because the Mayor announced the birth of her <br /> niece, she should now list every baby in San Leandro because she' s set <br /> a precedent. <br /> Mr. Filipovich also spoke regarding people wanting to come into San <br /> Leandro and his concern over whether they were having financial <br /> problems only or financial problems and some other type of problem. He <br /> referred to a newspaper article regarding development of the Blue <br /> Dolphin. <br /> He also spoke regarding Council Member Perry's quote in the paper <br /> regarding the State taking up to $1 million in revenue away from the <br /> City. The City Manager explained that the State has reduced revenue to <br /> the City by $1 million per year over the last several years, from <br /> property tax money. He said this is General Fund money, and its loss <br /> would require cuts in services and expenditures. Mr. Filipovich said <br /> the General Fund is still short by $14 million. <br /> H. Paul Vargas, 872 Portola Drive, asked the cost of the proposed <br /> improvements to Root Park. The City Manager said $700,000. Mr. Vargas <br /> said this is up $200,000 from last year's election and is wasteful <br /> spending because there are no weeds, drugs, drunks, etc. in the park. <br /> He said we should make do with what we have. Congress is trying to <br /> stop pork. Taxpayers don't want their money spent. Root Park does not <br /> need to be fixed. <br />