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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 4, 1993 Page - 15 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Steve Meyers said the zoning change is necessary for the next step to <br /> occur. <br /> Council Member Faria asked if the City Council could add a Condition <br /> that, if a condominium conversion did not occur within a certain time <br /> period, the zoning would not change. Mr. Meyers said this was not <br /> possible. The City Council would have to have another Hearing and re- <br /> zone the property back to 0. <br /> Bill Lubker, 13214 Aurora Drive, said he has lived in San Leandro for <br /> about 50 years. He said he thinks Mrs. Albers is wrong, and this is <br /> the highest and best use of the property. He said a good example of <br /> condominium improvements are those on Marina Boulevard. He said they <br /> are an asset to the community. He said this project will have CC&R's <br /> which must be conformed to even by renters. <br /> Rosalie Moore, 2487 West Avenue 135th, said she is in favor of the re- <br /> zoning. She said this is progress and would be good for the Mulford <br /> Gardens area. <br /> John Sellars, said he has owned property in the Mulford Gardens area <br /> for 31 years. He said he wants to see the area upgraded. He said <br /> additional renters are not needed. He said there is no change in <br /> density; this is a way to upgrade the community. He said he converted <br /> four units on Fairway Drive in 1973, and they have always been owner <br /> occupied and beautifully maintained. He said this is a win-win <br /> situation, and Mr. Hansen has spent a lot of money to get to this <br /> point. He said he favors the re-zoning. <br /> Chris Johnson, 2540 West Avenue 133rd, said he is in favor of the re- <br /> zoning. He said there are many renters on his street, and he is not <br /> happy with the situation. He said he would like to see some owner- <br /> occupied units because he felt the property would be better maintained. <br /> He said he does not see parking as an issue. He said the number of <br /> parking spaces would not change. He said Mulford Gardens has <br /> deteriorated badly because of the type of people who have moved into <br /> the area. He would like to see people move in and take better care of <br /> their property. <br /> David Gault, 928 Helen Avenue, said there is a new wave of younger <br /> people in the area, and they are happy to own homes here. He said <br /> condominiums have improved property values and the quality of life. He <br /> said he believes people who own homes take better care of them, and he <br /> is in favor of the Application. <br />