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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 4, 1993 Page - 16 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Leon Mayer, 14990 Wiley Street, said, if the City passes a law, it is <br /> no longer illegal . He said tenants are not better than homeowners, and <br /> there is no such thing as a homeowner and a tenant being equally <br /> concerned about a building. He said owners will take better care of <br /> the units. He said this is a good plan and is an improvement to the <br /> area, and it will cost the property owner $20,000-$30,000 to make <br /> improvements . <br /> Sue Pedersen, 2039 West Avenue .133rd, asked, if the property is divided <br /> into three entities, would there be a common sewer or would there be <br /> three separate meters. She said she has rental property in San <br /> Leandro, and her tenants take great pride in their residences and take <br /> care of them. She said ownership does not mean better maintenance of <br /> property. She said one of the Conditions for the condominium on Marina <br /> Boulevard was to preserve the trees in front, but a five-foot-diameter <br /> tree was cut down. She said she moved to Mulford Gardens for the large <br /> lots. <br /> In response to questions from the City Council , Mr. Penaranda said he <br /> was not sure on the question of the sewers, but each home would have <br /> its own meter. <br /> Bert Lewis, 779 Crosby Place, San Leandro, said he owns property in the <br /> Mulford area. He said he is all for this idea. He said at one time <br /> property owners could be selective about tenants, but they are now <br /> afraid to turn anyone down. He said people who live in property would <br /> be more likely to maintain it. He said this is a chance for people to <br /> get into property ownership by buying one-third of a property. <br /> Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, President of Mulford Gardens <br /> Improvement Association, said the Board of Directors voted unanimously <br /> to oppose the re-zoning. He said he also received calls and visits <br /> from 20 more people opposed to the re-zoning. He said he did not <br /> receive a single call in favor of the re-zone. He said the Association <br /> opposes spot zoning in the residential area. He said the General Plan <br /> designates the neighborhood as a no-change area. This will be a big <br /> change. He said he does not believe pride of ownership means better <br /> maintenance, and he pointed to his own property as an example. He said <br /> he is sure the properties will be rented. He asked if all three would <br /> pay property tax. He said the number of parking places was a concern <br /> and there should be at least nine spaces plus visitor parking. He said <br /> he did not feel the open-space requirement for a second-floor balcony <br /> was sufficient. <br /> At this time the three-minute limit was reached. Mr. Norry said he <br /> wished to continue with his presentation and was speaking on behalf of <br /> 900 people. <br /> Mayor Karp noted that Mr. Norry's time, which was the same as the other <br /> speakers, was now up. <br />