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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 4, 1993 Page - 17 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Gerald J. Dorn, 293 Elsie Avenue, said he and his brother own three <br /> pieces of property in Mulford Gardens, and he lives next door to Mr. <br /> Norry. He said he is in favor of the Application because of pride of <br /> ownership. He said ownership should be available to all , not just a <br /> select few. <br /> Don Kauffman, 2493 Bermuda Avenue, said his son has property on 135th, <br /> and he would like to be able to build a house on the back so they could <br /> be together. He said he is in favor of the re-zoning. <br /> Jack Almand, 2541 West Avenue 133rd, said he has lived in Mulford <br /> Gardens since 1949 and has seen the street deteriorate since apartments <br /> have gone in. He said there is a world of difference between pride of <br /> ownership and rental , and he is in favor of the application. <br /> Ray Matherton, said he has lived in the Mulford area for 42 years. He <br /> said the main problem in the area is parking. He said this Application <br /> will set a precedent. He said if this goes through there will be at <br /> least 100 Applications. He said this matter has not been looked at <br /> carefully enough. <br /> There being no further comments from the public, on motion of Council <br /> Member Polvorosa, seconded by Council Member Myers, and carried <br /> unanimously, the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> Council Member (aria asked a number of questions regarding the <br /> condominium-conversion process. <br /> Steve Meyers said there is a separate Subdivision Ordinance on <br /> condominium conversion. He said even though this Application is for <br /> only two units, the Ordinance still applies and is independent of the <br /> zoning action. He said the zoning creates condominiums as a Planned <br /> Development use, then the Applicant must go through a condominium <br /> conversion process. He said that the condominium-conversion conditions <br /> would apply, such as CC&R's, smoke detectors, noise, abatement, etc. <br /> He said the Conditions were applied at this point because staff was not <br /> aware at the time the Application was taken in that the condominium- <br /> conversion ordinance would apply to this property. He said the 0 zone <br /> is unique because it allows three separate dwelling units on one <br /> parcel , and it has to be re-zoned in order to provide for a PDC <br /> approval . He said after that approval , then the condominium conversion <br /> and map process can begin. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if the condominium conversion would go <br /> before the Planning Commission and the City council . Mr. Penaranda <br /> said it goes before the Planning Commission in May at the discretion of <br /> the Planning Commission be referred to the City Council . <br /> In response to a question, Steve Meyers said parking would not be <br /> reviewed at that time. <br />