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Minutes 1993 0111
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Minutes 1993 0111
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 11 , 1993 Page - 12 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Fran David, 11260 Kerrigan Drive, Oakland, representing the Chabot Park <br /> Highlands Homeowners Association, said it is hard to understand what <br /> San Leandro will gain. He said, if they sign the MOU, they withdraw <br /> the Appeal and give away all future rights to Appeal and to file a <br /> lawsuit on the project. He said they may legally have the right to <br /> oppose, the project; but, politically, it is not a good move. He said, <br /> if the City Council withdraws the Appeal , it implies approval . He says <br /> this does not take into consideration the loss of open space. He said <br /> the project is not likely to get started in the next two to three years <br /> or even five to ten years. He said the future value of the money will <br /> be very little. He said, if the MOU is approved, the language on page <br /> 5, which states, "approved by the Oakland Planning Commission, " but <br /> does not say when or on what date, is unclear. He asked how the City <br /> could go to court on this if the MOU doesn't say what project. He <br /> asked the City Council not to make a political mistake by withdrawing <br /> the Appeal and to oppose the project. <br /> Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said the recitals in paragraphs B and C <br /> identify the project. <br /> Susan Riskind-Poulsen, 185 Sunnyside, Broadmoor Neighborhood <br /> Association, North Area Business Development Task Force, and Public <br /> Advisory Task Force on City Finances, said she has spent a great deal <br /> of time looking at budget issues and is involved in trying to develop <br /> business in the North Area. She said she is aware the City is facing <br /> shortfalls and trying to find ways to raise money. She said, if the <br /> Peralta Oaks extension is not approved, the $357,000 mitigation, which <br /> is one-third of the actual cost based on the DFSI Ordinance, will still <br /> result in a shortage of $700,000, which the City would have to pick up. <br /> She said this project would need to generate $71 million in gross sales <br /> to generate enough sales tax to make up the difference. She said the <br /> mitigation amount also does not cover on-going costs of maintenance and <br /> repair of streets, students brought into the schools, etc. <br /> Christine Scobee, 495 Fortuna Avenue, said the money will not cover the <br /> costs to the City. She said it' s not the difference between getting <br /> something or getting nothing, but it' s selling the City's right to take <br /> legal action. She said the Council is giving up the City's rights to <br /> permanently stop the project for a small amount of money. She urged <br /> the City Council to deny the MOU and consider the loss of respect to <br /> the community leaders and people who have come to this community. <br /> Mike Oliver said the DFSI does not exist in adjacent communities. He <br /> said other communities make no attempt to recover any of these costs. <br /> He said DFSI is an attempt to recover long-term costs pursuant to the <br /> Master Plan of City Streets . <br />
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